@Devs Can we get a list of all the gleam colors and have the gleam say what color they are when its right clicked instead of Rare Crafted or natural blocks.
You linked the list already… I don’t understand why you need another one, unless you mean in-game
Given the number of colors likely to be introduced to the game via future worlds, it may not be realistic to be able to give a unique name for each (especially if the game wants to translate them into multiple languages)
Hm, so either the list has changed, and we will get different colours per world (which would make a great deal of sense, seeing as those colours were unique to each world back then) or there will be a set amount of colours for certain items.
I am personally leaning towards the unique colours per world, as that is what came before…
Good point by the way @nevir
Speaking to James a little while ago, he was saying that one of his jobs was to “name all the colours” so they could be identified more easily… they’ll also be using the same colour index for the colours, so index #1 for example would have red rock, red gleam, red twisted wood etc. They’d all be different shades of that colour of course.
That wasn’t that long ago, so I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen
Yeah, right now the colour (this is how it’s spelled, you Americans!! @james!) index system is a little confusing
We do plan to name them btw… (fyi)
Wot he said I said.
Fair! I can’t wait for luminous vivid gamboge gleam
refined bright chartreuse yellow gleam!
I have colors not on the list
Are they in your screenshot? Pretty sure all those are on the list… Note that orange got added later in the thread
Here is black… just because… it also just gives off white light, not shadow
so these colors will be in game soon?? i hope…I really miss all the colors
I think the colour system is being overhauled at some point, but basically as soon as we get new worlds, we get new colours… I know no more than that.
What your thoughts on a Tint System? Make non-natural colors craftable at some point.