I may be a noob, or maybe just unlucky. I have been housed on 2 worlds (Furthor and Yugen) for about 1 month now and have never ever found gleam. Here are my questions.
If and when I find gleam will it be just sitting there waiting to be mined or is it hidden wiring another type of stone or granite?
The worlds are online for quite a while now and world-regeneration isn´t implemented yet, so only the best hidden gleam-depots are still present.
If you want to tell me were you live I´d gladly place gleam of every colour there (you can then dublicate the blocks using infinite mode (by pressing “,”))
Thanks @Vastar. I’ve gone and done that myself. I was just hoping to find it on my own. There’s an excitement factor to it for me, kind of like finding Diamond in minecraft. I appreciate the offer though!
Gleam is somewhat particular to some biomes. If you find a cave that has no gleam in it, try finding a totally different biome and look for a cave there.