Gleambow 3.0

beginning to become BORINGBOW goT out and create new drama


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Yeah, i get that, that doesn’t it make more right though if in the same breath if someone else would have “stolen” a meteor (so in both cases a meteor is lost - therefore result is the same) results in angry words. That’s exactly my point. :wink:

EDIT: Just to clarify, I don’t mean YOU or anyone else in particular. Just referring to the example and what I see in chat.

where would the angry words come from is someone was to shoot an augment into the sky and nothing spawns??

I was referring to when myself and a few others shoot the augments into the sky and when nothing spawns we say “dud” to get a chuckle out of it…

I also understand your point where shaming someone for “stealing” even though nobody owns it THAT to me is wrong… A simple “this is a manual spawn” or anything along those lines would be and has been more appropriate. Some players get it some don’t… it’s all part of the gamble you take when spawning a gleambow :slight_smile:

PS I know it wasn’t directly at me :wink:

OK, somehow I don’t seem to be very clear with what I see as an absurdity.

Scenario 1
Let’s say Player A summons meteor.
Player Z is at meteor first. Result: Player A looses meteor.
Player A insults/shames/whatever Player Z for loosing meteor.

Scenario 2
Player A summons meteor.
Too many meteors are around. Meteor is a “dud”. Result: Player A looses meteor.
Player A has a laugh.

If Player A looses in both scenarios. Why can’t he just simply have a laugh in both scenarios. Why is it right to be angry at a player for loosing out but not being angry at oneself for being “stupid” loosing a meteor as too many were summoned on a busy planet. Both scenarios should cause a laugh and maybe even a well done (the first for congratulating the other player for a fair win, the second one for breaking the planet mechanics… again).

Does that make it more clear what I mean? :slight_smile:

Don’t forget about shouting pooping :rofl:


Because the planet isnt a human being and not being inconsiderate when it doesn’t spawn a meteor.

Seriously, this is probably the funniest random thing I’ve seen in the chat the past few days… :wink:

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Well I tried…

How is it not a community event when everyone is invited? Didn’t realize we had to consult dispero before hosting an event on a public planet ? We invited people via forums, discord, and in world. Sorry you didn’t like the event can’t make everyone happy I guess

The Gleambow event is almost over …
You all have about 15 hours left to plunder the lootcave with black gleam under the Sanctum.
Don’t forget your Regenbombs :innocent:

BTW … thanks dev’s for another great :boundless :event
I have had a lot of fun collecting all of them fancy blocks :+1::+1:

Remember to shout “pooping” before spawning, it’s for goodluck


Wait what is this with a black gleam cave?

Fortunately, everyone’s point of view, positive or negative within the context of the event can and should be articulated here.


Also if someone makes it to your meteor before you do then yell Final Fantasy Seven :joy::rofl::crazy_face:

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That, I have explained in detail in my big post further up, exactly that point you are raising.

That’s what that is for, good luck? :joy: I overheard one of those and really thought someone was announcing, well… I chuckled, put it that way. :rofl:


Well, he’s got a point, everyone only ever wants to hear the good stuff. Negative feedback is usually unwelcome, so I can see his point too. :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry but that doesn’t make it not a community event. Loads of people here are benefitting not a select group of “privileged” people. All you have to do is go over there and start launching.

Selling my exclusive silk yellow gleambow gleam. Straight from the meteor!


You mean the same things that have been said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over in various threads should be said again.?