Gleambow is turning me off of boundless

you need a long range grapple JUST to get to the top of that massive storage lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Make sure it’s unchecked, not learned!

Great early warning system.

Occasionally it doesn’t trigger, but it does 90% of the time.

Yes, unchecked, never seen it!

Oh shoot! of course not, since I turned all tips off, :rofl:


I try for dormant meteors. I got space for a smart stack of tinted glass yet since it all is a different color it is so frustrating! Exos are easier. its not the racing factor but the inv space.
edit: i already got top tier grapples so…

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I have yet to come across a glass meteor, but I had 25ish turquoise glass in my inventory after a meteor run. I was like hu??? lol

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had 39 >:D

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If you got some spare black gleam let me know. I got a 3 pieces yesterday. Woo.

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Same problem, I run forward and only see white, have to wait for rendering to catch up to my speed,


Lol I got only 30

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Six on the shelf now. :smile:

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So I had a good go this morning and now can see the total frustration people are getting. I had meteors falling everywhere I went and the game would just blank out. I had a meteor dropping in front of me and for no reason completely disappeared just before landing I lost heaps because could see because of some of the st up weather they seem to got going on. I have said this many times WHY DONT WE HAVE ORT IN ATLASES YET. Gee we got a shop scanner and shops don’t just disappear. Come on how hard is it. Jus black atlas with red dots where meteors is…nothing more…especially when meteors have always been a bit glitch. Peace.:v:


Sweeeet! Thank you.
@superman101 you got those 30 on a shelf for me. :flushed: Bahahaha.

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Sorry to hear it. Just for the irony i want to say that I went out late last night when things were quiet and got more gleambow blocks than I did in the entire last event.

Still though, that’s only a couple hundred blocks :blush:

Most of what i have is tangle and sponge right now. Got some rocks and finally a small glass one too though. Nothing like some of the pictures here lol. In the end I hunted on three planets and I’d say I made it to maybe 1/6 or 1/8 of the meteors I saw spawn.

I still have a low framerate but based on a couple days sample size the world fogging out is actually happening to me less since this update.


Oh I still got a ton of stuff…just understood where some people were coming from. I enjoy gleam meteors. Racing to them .it get me going

Sure 1000 a piece. Hahaha who is laughing now B#$TCH


I have the same problem. I just don’t worry about the gleambow race. It’s too frustrating and there are plenty of other things for me to do. I got 4 roadrunner feathers killing roadrunners while trying to gleambow race. Not a bad substitute.


You son of a… lol. I guess I deserve that. :joy:

Turns out $1000 each is a good deal haha.

Oh no. Is this still happening? Ugh. I’ve been away from my PS4 and I was hoping the engine has been reverted to how it was the 9 months of the game. Like really, I can’t do anything moving fast. Does your grapple just go kuuuuuplunck 2M in front of you sometimes? It’s hilarious and frustrating!

Are you on PS4?