Gleambow Racing is Coming Back to Boundless!

I can’t wait for this event! :smile:
This is going to be so much fun, especially since we’ll get the new chests and wearables :o

Edit: Glass too! :star_struck:


Yes! I will finally be able to dress like the most powerful evil master-mind that ever existed!



I am going to setup my forge again today and try and pump out a few forged gleambow totems.

If you would like to try your hand at forging a few i can give you a stack of gleambow totems later on. I have quite a few left from last event.

Edit: dang autocorrect

Question still remains if these are the ones currently on Testing or if these are new (open?) storage blocks???

If thesw are the ones on Testing then we also know the date when it goes live…

The goal with these meteors is to run as fast as possible to meteors with Demolish it to 50%?(cannot remember what it was) With GLEAMBOW TOTEM in specific time.
Timer starts when meteor lands i remember.


Oh wow thanks, I’m looking forwards to forging a few!

It’s the same item yes.

Just to be clear - this isn’t a confirmation of when the Testing release goes to Live. The Event has a firm start date, but we aren’t putting a confirmed date on the ‘main’ release


Don’t do this to us :joy::joy::joy:.

this pic is from last years event.

Double Trouble?!


Wait you’re saying that Deluxe upgrade for PS4 is coming then too so we can expand our gleam storage with more plots??


Sorry, couldn’t resist!

Well at least it means that before the event we will have the current Testing release on Live, hehehe!

Especially since the event contains glass meteors now too :wink:

I must prepare myself



fast grapples, 0 in health, 5 in falling armour, shadow effect epic plus mega fast brews and starberrry pies make a winning combo


you forgot Darude- Sandstorm.


lol…did have to google that but so appropriate

need more suggestion for tunes to go out gleambowing with!

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Gleambow Hunting Totems Going for sale tomorrow @ Q-MART (a use for these leftovers finally)

AOE + Magnet + (Dam?)

Will forge stacks tonight.

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Maybe add durability to AOE and Magnet.

How much will you charge for one @Mittins ? (I’d like to avoid to craft those myself)
Better dmg, dura wont do no good if they hit like a copper shovel on rock lol


YAAAASSSS!!! -… sorry for the excitement, this was my favorite and first event in boundless :crazy_face: I wish this was a more common event :upside_down_face:


But weres Christmas I want :cookie: s

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I dare not forge those totems lol. Speed brew will have to do :joy:

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