🌈 GLEAMPOP ICE FARM | Ovis Invention

Can Confirm these cords work on maryx for black ice, However we found a spot in the water right next to Dragon’s Lair that’s bigger than a 3x3. Accessible Through a portal in our hub now =) Should say its setup for public use just regen the water and u can icepop it again =)

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If you maybe are interested in this, i build my base under a lake and did freeze it over with gleampops. this may help you with finding specific color locations

if you want you can visit this thorugh xafrant - utopia straight ahead from the tnt portal the last poortal on the left (more rainbow)
Edit: you need a grapple to get up


Oh wow, yeh I’ll definitely check that out, could be some lovely clusters of colours there for sure, thanks! :ok_hand:

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