GRAND OPENING New Hamburg Mall

Happy New Year dear Boundless Community,

today im happy to annonce the opening of our new build Mall, the Hamburg Mall at Arie.
At the Center of the Mall is our Hub. Some Portals are allready open e.g. to TNT Mega Hub, Phönix Mall, La Familia, Ultima, Hunt Hive, Portal Seeker, to just name some.
The Hub is surrounded by 73 Shops, waiting for new Owners, some are already open.

Kind regards,



I like to thank all Donators of Material / Coin, special thanks to Sn33dle and Sarana.

Also i like to thank everybody involved in the Construction, my spezial thanks go to OptiO, who put in a lot of efford, so we where able to open the Mall with the Beginning of the New Year


Shop Rules

  1. Only one Shop per Player
  2. The Shop Size is on the Sign outside. Dont Claim larger than that.
  3. Every Shop is two Plots high. Your not allowed to Claim/Build higher than that. You can build downwards if you want to.
  4. The Protection Status of the Beacon has to stay Off
    For Questions and Excuses to these Rules, feel free to contact us on our Discord.

lovely mall , well organized and planned i was able to grab a spot with a few buddies.
kind mall owners and open for any changes!

long story short AWESOME MALL! keep up the good work.
thanks for making this possible for the community


It looks great on the screenshots. Will be visiting for real today :slight_smile:
Great job!


Oh wow, it looks like an actual mall, that’s awesome!


Just what i was about to say :joy: But it genuinely is a nice looking mall, gonna have a peak at it :stuck_out_tongue:

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took one shop :smiley:
nice place :slight_smile:

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Amazing work and design! Hope to visit it someday!


It’s lovely :blush: nice work

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Already saw it when I was there a few days ago, looks fantastic!

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Lol, to bad I don’t have anything to sell. If I had a stand it would have like 1 shop stand selling probably spicy beans at less than 20 at a time, maybe a second stand with something else similar. lol.

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oo! could i have an ad on that sign? What coords and what planet? I’d like a spot!!!

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The Mall is on Arie. You can find Portals named “Hamburg” at most Networks


I thank you very much, I am very happy. So many players interested in our shopping center. Best regards, SwissHugo


but coords.

U can access it from my place inside the portal hub behind the huge portal @LunaiHunter

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I decided to make a store there, first one (outside of a few stands at my castle).

The little bit of spicey beans sold. :slight_smile:


made a store there. And got him to make me an ad for my shop


Great place! I have a few friends that dragged me there over the weeked. They both made shops and convinced me to claim some real estate too. It wasn’t dificult to convince me tho :wink: So well layed out. I forsee this being one of the big and popular malls.

Well done @SwissHugo


Looks beautiful!!!

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Hello everybody!
We from the Hamburg Mall would like to ask you to finish your shops.
Unfortunately we still have a lot of shops that have only been plotted but nothing has been built yet. Also we would like to ask you to fill the shops.
If you are not sure if you will finish your shop, please make it free for others.
Thanks for your time!!
