Griefers - being griefed by land plots surrounding me

I think things like this, irritating though they must be, are actually important for the development of the game. By going through and discussing these issues now, it allows either the structure of the game to be tweaked, or us to manage expectations of what will (or won’t) be possible with 1.0.

And, I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that at 1.0 there should be a big influx of people who won’t care at all for the sensibilities of the wider community and only get their kicks from building offensive structures or trying to irritate/upset others.

Such as it is in the real world, so it will be in Boundless. What I’m most interested in is seeing how the game can provide tools (soft or hard) to enable communities/social structures to deal effectively with this behaviour. Because, in the end, what we all do within the game is what the game is - because everything is player-driven, and that’s what makes it so compelling.

It’s clear that upset folks jumping on the forums won’t stop bad behaviour - and in some cases naming and shaming may even be undesirable (since notoriety can be appealing). I’m not suggesting that in this case, cos right now it’s what we have :slight_smile: But a great and challenging balance for the devs to tackle!


yeah you right but its always happening around moebius and his plaza hes cursed hahahaha
gotten over it now working on my roads :smile:
only the bad moebius insulting @brook-monroe nationallity is what needs to be adressed

true had this like a miljion times cuase off aqua has a high new player number
and alot play one day leave beacon fuelled for weeks behind

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I wonder if we’re being invaded by Dental.

I wonder if the plot thing would be fixed by an item you could tap against their claimed plots and it would ‘hide’ them from your view :wink: Would be fun to just ignore someones build and be able to focus on your own. hehe

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Wow profound. Good stuff. I love to see how this topic unfolded. Brew Wurk Lad. Dilly Dilly.


Maybe because people can lay plots whenever and however they like without any extra cost there is nothing to deter them from blocking in another player.

Perhaps a possible solution is to increase the fuel burn rate of a beacon based on the number of plots you have connected to the beacon. Therefore if you wanted to expand and become a settlement you know it would require an investment, rather than just expanding because you can and you can annoy your neighbours.


That wouldn’t necessarily stop players from just surrounding you with a fresh beacon/plots though. It also seems to be more of a punishment for the people that play properly as opposed to a deterrent for the griefers.


I agree there may not be a perfect solution yet! But I hope we can find one that works to support players doing the right thing, and is a reaction to players abusing the system.

It is a tough balance, with a solution likely rooted in compromise.

Maybe I just can’t think of a game mechanic that allows this, but could someone explain to me how another player would “steal” from someone? I feel like unless I give specific beacon permissions I could literally just have my stuff in a pile and it’s untouchable by another player.


Not that I’m supporting greifers but there is a certain satisfaction to griefing when you receive an object or item from it. Back in the day I used to grief ignorant experienced players in Runescape with the old candle in the cave scam. I received a lot of nice items this way. However I grew up and developed a conscience and now wish I could go back in time and punch myself right in the face and yell “KNOCK IT OFF!!” However the greifing we’re seeing in boundless is purely childish. There’s no gain to be had other than frustrating a player out of a desired plot. But this is a nice reminder that it could be lot worse. The beacon system has eleminated soooo much greifing from taking place. We just need a voting system to remove plot circling greifers. :grin:


To be honest I’d rather see your effort put into some other direction, any idea that comes to my mind ends up in very complicated and exploitable solution, I don’t think there is bullet proof solution.
I could have reserved plots that I wanted long before that other player had, I didn’t because I thought it won’t be needed, and in the end I think it should be players responsibility to reserve the area he wants to eventually use (or manage).
We learned this lesson with Elop Portas and when we were starting Hive we decided to make outer perimeter 3 plots wide, Hive itself is 18x18 plots, so imagine how many plots were needed to surround it with 3 wide perimeter, but we won’t ever run into a situation where someone is leaning to our build.


Sorry, but clearly no to this. It shouldn’t be possible for someone that spends more time in the game than others (and this is where the amount of plots comes from) can just grief others and kill their joy for the game.
If thats the case, then everybody that is griefed because he/she doesn’t spend so much time in the game must have the option to give the game back, or play single-player only world (without additional cost)

Every Country has rules, and so Boundless should have them too.Rules are made for things that can be exploited via “ingame mechanics” (like … .robbing a bank in real life. - just because its possible, does not mean that is has no consequences, or is fun)

I dont think that there will be a solution via ingame mechanics for this, but there is always a solution via rules and moderation. This could even go into punishmenty things…like: surround another player on 3 sides with your land claims -> lose 1/3 of your claims for the next 3 weeks. for example

Yeah, that’s what I was aiming for, it’s pretty obvious when someone is griefing via this method and something GMs should resolve :slight_smile:

The sign is a joke based on what happened…we never intended to keep the gems it was meant to be a joke but kinda got out of hand. This fake Moebius also has nothing to do with me he tricked me until real Moebius came on…honestly thought it was him


Hi ya @Herf . I think its awesome that your willing to join the discussion. the above statement i think is what most people want an explanation about.


Right, forgot to mention that. The house seemed vacant, I play just about every second of my day and never saw @Shiana so as far as I knew they stopped playing. My thoughts were that I could make claims near it so I can build a path up to it and keep an eye on it for when the beacon ran out. I am sorry for that @Shiana if you had contacted me I would have taken the claims away immediately. I am not trying to me a “nuisance” as @ctrl-64 put it. Just a series of unfortunate mistakes that I made, I am not the smartest person after all. I apologize to EVERYONE that I have wronged.


Does anyone have any idea who that fake moebius is? I thought it was just him on an alt or something

I can vouch for @Herf not knowing who the moebius clone was. He came by and seemed to genuinely think that it was moebius playing around now that I think about it.

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if this person continues to cause a nuisance of himself by going around and maliciously trying to make people think it’s moebius being a ■■■■, then I’m sure the devs can find out exactly who it is.

Food for thought to whoever is silly enough to think they won’t get caught out.

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