[Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.3 - Added Repair Spanner

New record achieved. 48 forge attempts with ZERO results. Magnet, I now officially hate you. Not a clue how you can get it when using effect paste 8 times in a row.

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I know the feeling.

well did you have a purple oorty within 3 meters of the forge?


What forge? What workshop?..

It may now be in the process of a “remodel” (i had a bit of a hammer rage in there)



I can safely say that this guide has officially confused the ■■■■ outta me! :laughing: :crazy_face:

Is there another guide that teaches you forging by making you do it?

This guide has round-by-round walkthroughs for a bunch of items - what would “make you do it” look like if not that?


I was going to say…just go to the thing you want to make and follw the step by step. Understanding the steps come with time, I suppose.


The only thing I would add is this;


Some of the steps say forge to max level and you might not know what that is, this helps.


Is there anything specific you’re trying to do? Perhaps if you explain what you want I can explain how to get it.

And as Mystfit says, even if you have no clue what forging is simply following the steps shown in the “click to expand” sections will usually work well enough.


For starters, I wasn’t insulting, I was indicating how dumb I am. Hence the laughing and the crazy face. :slight_smile:

:laughing: :crazy_face:

I was posting purely to laugh at myself in the open forum.

For follow ups, since you’ve prompted, I couldn’t get past the introduction, and in particular the Gum and Catalysts bit, to be honest. I find it all too impenetrable. :weary:

It’s just talking about stuff that feels like rocket science.

Sorry, it’s just too advanced for me right now … I can’t learn by reading about stuff … ( not literally, and no, I’m not prompting for more discussion on my inabilities here … but stuff like wikipedia, or a sheet of data is essentially pointless to me ). Maybe one day I’ll be able to understand it … but there’s just too much maths involved here for it to be accessible to someone like me right now. Especially to get anything nice … I thought it would be at Zelda levels of easiness … it seems to be so much more complicated than that …

Like I say, maybe I’ll get there some day, but right now … I’ll leave it, I think! I thought I was ready to start using the centraforge, but I think it’s all just a little bit too complex. I didn’t realise until I started reading this. :slight_smile:

Skip the intro. You need to get some practice under your belt before it makes sense.

Choose a low-tier weapon to tool to practice with because it’ll waste less if you mess up and because it will have more flexibility (that is, be easier to get right).

Go to the recipe of what you want.

Make your forging deck look exactly like in the picture for the recipe.

Do the steps in the recipe from top to bottom.

Curse when you get magnet every time. Make extra Deconstruction Resin 3 you’re going to need it.


I can second this. Just making some quirk-only weather totems (from another smaller guide I don’t have anymore) made this guide vastly easier to understand. Running through the recipes for a while, looking at what each step does, and then coming back to the rest of the guide is a good idea.
I believe there are YouTube videos on forging as well, but I don’t learn that way, so I don’t know of any.

Yeah, like I say … maybe some other time. Thanks for the replies, though! :slight_smile: Cheers, folks! :slight_smile:

Just to add, Creative Sovereigns are your friend!
You can just spawn in all the ingredients you need and practice to your heart’s content without wasting a single thing.
Also, you can try things out on Mayumi’s Forge Simulator. It’s just as risk free while being more portable and significantly faster, though likely more overwhelming for someone new than just playing around on Creative.


I actually did this (creative sov) specifically to get over dread of wrecking materials while learning forging :D. thanks for the tip!

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AoE Shovel Liquid Breakers mentions Draining Boon in the first steps but it is not in the stack above.
Is Pure 3 intended for use here or is Draining I missing from the stack?


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It is supposed to be Pure, cheers for catching the typo!


Will there be an update here? - I’ve been trying for days now, step by step according to instructions. It works fine in Forge Simulator, but absolutely not in the game.

I tried most of them and they work fine. What’s your failure mode?


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Is it normal if it takes more than 100 tries to get the devastating damage and more than 300 tries to get the all-rounder? For AoE hammers, axes or shovels?