[Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.3 - Added Repair Spanner

but seriously 16 failed attempts. And Im still only at step 3…? At this rate Im going to need 1000 of each of the materials to just make 1 aoe hammer.

I guess that’s it. Im done with this game :frowning: it was fun while it lasted, but this was something I really looked forward to. Took a long time to make all the materials, but now it’s all going down the drain. And for what? nothing :frowning:


Never try more than 5 times.
If you don’t get what you need in 5 tries do it another day or later.


That wont change anything, it wont change the chances at all. It’s like playing lotto 3 days in a row versus doing it 3 times the first day: it’s the same thing. And rngesus just wanted to buttfrak me so that’s where I am now. It’s a bad system.

Never thought I would say this about this game

I didn’t say it would fix it. I hate the system too. But you will be less infuriated by not trying too many times.

I’ve been forging like that for months, sometimes I don’t do anything for a week until rng just decided to be on my side and I can queue multiple tools in a single run


I realize that to counter a streak of bad luck like this 100 of each material is far from enough. You need thousands of each. given enough attempts randomization will pan out to the actual chance it is coded to have, it simply requires insane amount of materials if you start out unlucky like me. I hate RNG for this reason, especially when there doesnt seem to be any protection from it programmed into the game.


Thanks for the support and the advice though. I guess im just really really disappointed. what a bummer


I hope the devs will consider a better less RNG based forging system in the future.

EDIT: Sorry for being so negative before, I feel embarassed but also better now, I just got so disappointed. had so high hopes for forging and then felt so let down. But another player reached out to me and offered me to help and advice in the process so we met up in game and I actually ended up making a super nice aoe durabilty hammer, and didnt strictly follow the guide (and there is a little outdated info in it too, at a few of the steps). that was a really great experience. Boundless really has the greatest community.

He also gave me link to the forge simulator which is super useful: https://boundless.mayumi.fi/forgeSimulator/


If you end up getting another boon that you actually want first you can always just keep going and then skip the section when you get to it.

But yeah, RNG is bad. You have a 1/3 chance of getting AoE and a 1/3 chance of getting Damage, which means roughly every 9 forges will succeed (1/9). However, this is assuming that there are equal chances to obtain each boon, which I highly doubt, so really your chances are lower still. This is why AoE Tools are the only 4 star difficulty item.

If you don’t care about the third boon you can always just keep hard hitter and then keep going, which effectively doubles your chances of it succeeding (2/9) but means you don’t get added durability or speed. Despite this some people still prefer doing this


That’s a good point. Sometimes you can settle for less, aoe and damage is really good already, it’s not like it’s a fail at all.

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Is there a way to avoid defects with your aoe tool method that you listed?

I have had lots of bad luck while forging, so much so that I couldn’t do it for a day or two, but trying to forge a hammer and you keep getting hard hitter 16 times in a row is seriously bad.

It makes me wonder if you had a defect that gave negative damage?

Also, what do you mean with ‘attempts’, do you start over with a decon resin or something? Seems like you’re not using them since you keep losing mats, hmm. Something is up…

As much as many of these tutorials are great, if they rely on decon resin too much it can get really frustrating (haven’t read the entirety of this thread but iirc most of them use it extensively since it is the cheapest method which can get the best results). Try to use a method that uses boon removal solvent 1 instead, better yet, use boon transmute but that one is nasty to make due to the feathers. I know it means you might not get a boon as high as you want but at least it will remove most of the frustration!

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No, I was just very unlucky. I made a very nice AOE hammer with a guy that helped me through the process. Funnily enough I got lucky with him at my side and he had a lot of great tips. I learned that I dont have to get a perfect result (though I was lucky to get it there) but can settle with less.

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Unfortunately unless you get extremely lucky there’s no real way to avoid defects using my method. The best you can do is check what defects you get and reset if its an actual bad defect (less damage or durability) or keep going if its any other type.

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Lol this is actually solid advice. I also destroy the forge and mint it. Place a brand new one down in its place :joy:


Always remember the death penalty gives better RNG with the forge…my opinion :rofl:


A worthy sacrifice to the RNG oort gods brings good forging fortune.

This has been proven, honestly I dunno how I forgot to add it to the guide.


You also must have a purple oorty doll within 3 meters of the forge :woman_shrugging: This is fact.


Cupid oortys work better than halloween oortys. Ive done the research.


Just bumping so others will see :slight_smile:


I’m just getting to this level of crafting. Thank you soooooo much for this guide. This is overwhelming, but I definitely feel like I have more direction!