[Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.3 - Added Repair Spanner

No this isn’t normal at all… but statistically I guess it is remotely possible to happen.

There are only 10 different boons available for hammers/axes/shovels so even without using any gums at all statistically you should get damage or AOE 1 out of every 10 attempts.

Now if I somehow haven’t yet managed to kill all of the brain cells responsible for me remembering a little bit of high school mathematics then the probability of getting both AOE and damage by pure RNG is 1 out of every 90 attempts?

So I’ve no idea how things have gone so horribly wrong for you because applying the correct gums will increase your chance of success to be dramatically better than 1/90.

I generally have bad luck in my life or in other words I live morphys law, if things can go wrong or can be bad, it will definitely apply to me.

It’s good if that’s not normal. I won’t keep experimenting with forging myself, it has already cost me too much time and coins. you have to see where I can always get cheap tools and where I can sell well in order to end up at plus minus zero - of course, it would be better to win, but I’ve never done that in the game …


Not normal. Either you are doing something wrong or trying too fast. When I get same result, I leave 30s break. My feeling is that the RNG behind the forge doesn’t generate a new number “that fast”.
Can anybody else say something about that? For me, 30 seconds of pause always brings new outcomes while spam trying brings the same.


It doesn’t actually help, but I like to pretend that a purple oorty doll near a forge makes your forges luckier.
I can look at it between failures and pretend I have some tiny bit of control, lol.

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Lol @MrNiX avoids forging when I’m around cause he starts to get really bad rng when I’m there.


Programs can not create random numbers on their own, they use an input or various inputs that are then futher processed to generate the random value. How good or bad a PrNG is at creating random values is dependent on how many inputs are used, how long the inputs are used, the coding for processing the inputs into into a random number and so on

PrNG for games don’t really need to be complex, PrNG for encryption on the other hand needs to be as complex as possible

but even a very basic PrNG based on just using date and time as its sole input should generate new numbers at least a few times each second since it should be using the clock’s milliseconds or nanoseconds as part of the input value.

But it all depends how it was coded.


It would be very inefficient to keep calling the random number generator. This is how I would do it:

  • make it event based - you click something, a new random number is spawned
  • make it based on a periodic manager - every 1s or 30s or whatever.
    Considering the scale of the game (MMO), I am pretty sure they do not call the random number generator every millisecond, for every player.

On the Android game I made - I had a similar problem. I solved it by making the randomness event based (what is used to create a pseudo-random number is another deal - you can use date & time or previous number + seed)
Another trick I have done is generating a large matrix of random numbers while the game is loading -> but this is a single player solution mostly.


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I am not a programmer, most of my IT experience was with Routers and Firewalls.

But it sounds like you know enough about it already, that you did not need my basic explanation.

I wouldn’t expect it to be called every millisecond, but I would expect the Millisecond or even Nanosecond value to be apart of the data used.


If it works in the forge simulator but not ingame, provided the numbers you say are true, all I can think of is that you are using the wrong gums ingame mistaking them for something else. It is very possible to take 20-30 times to get a boon with the right gums tho, RNG does have bad rolls and happens from time to time, it’s not too rare.

Usually this is why it is recommended to use the forge simulator and/or creative worlds to test/experiment forging. I won’t even touch my forge unless I get reliable results multiple times beforehand :man_shrugging:

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Generating a random number is a relatively trivial operation, especially since you’re only triggering it on user interaction. Most languages have a built-in random number function you can use to get a good-enough-for-anything-but-crypto number, and performance on them is efficient enough that you wouldn’t second guess using it. It’s not like it’s a hard disk write.

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Is that okay - for my first two successful attempts now? - I really don’t know how many attempts were now, but unfortunately a good 900,000 coins for the Corrupted Boon Compound I and the gums were lost.

You don’t need more than level 8 damage for a T6 hammer (if diamond). This might be your issue - going for level 10 only is overkill. If you hit level 8, go to the next step in the forging guide. It makes it 10 times easier.

ps. Did you buy 4500 hopper eyes for the corrupted?
pps. Don’t try forging more than 5 items at once! You’ll run out of materials.
ppps. Just forged this in 10 minutes



No you just add to the challenge! … Im sure that given a few years of forging around you we would see the laws of probability come into play :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Can you add Grass Farmers to your list Vansten-chan @Vansten pleaaaseee

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Out of curiosity, what are you looking for in a grass farmer? Just speed and AoE?

Some info on them here, but no explicit recipes like the tutorial here.
Cheapest AoE harvester? (for farming)


Thankyou that what me need boop

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My be dumb question but are you gonna come out with forge instructions if swords and shields come out I like the your breakdown of things easy to read


At this rate I’m starting to doubt if there even will be another game update at all.

I don’t really plan on playing again or updating the guide until titans, dungeons, or something equally significant is added.


Ye and mainly the process is anyways similar To other ones
. Although i think shield could be a bit different.

But Im In a same boat as you… I kinda just play cause theres not rly anything Else To play lol.

Hopefully we get some info on this situation

Can you somehow put a link to this post in the 1st post?
Are there any other “hidden” recipes in this thread?
