Guildmembers poll

yeah so we filled 4 guilds in 3 days
it would be awesome if we could just be one group plus i dont wonna sacrifice factions for extra members cuase i wonna use those for what they intended

doing a poll to ask the community what they think

  • raise member numbers
  • keep as is
  • raise it but rework it
  • raise it but make buffs harder to obtain
  • diferent options (add below)

0 voters

I think guilds are meant to be guilds.
That means guilds are probably not supposed to have thousands of members but this max of 100.
With 400 people you are not a guild, you are not organised, you’re just a collective of people who wish to play in some kind of organisation. That’s my definition.


would you agree to give people the choice

yes this is crazy. Certainly needs to be raised. I’m curious when this will be fixed.


I think the way Alts behave or are listed in guilds should be different. They shouldn’t occupy a guild slot.


good point def need fix that 10 alts one member if we hit cap 3times in 3days
it means something
i dont wonna deny people the acces to our group

i would gladly trade guild for aquatopian empire we not a guild we a race :nerd_face:

Should be account base, once your account joins that guild your alts automatically become part of the guild but not taking up a physical slot. This would make the 100 cap seem more reasonable.


like @Simoyd runs a guild succesfully for a while with over a 100people i def think i need be raised maybe we can link it to beacon activity and put dormant members to deactivated status until they play i dont think we can ask him to choose who’s gonna be allowed in it our having to split up a allready established guild into diferent groups

100 to begin with is an ambitious number. There’s really only two leadership roles available. That’s not a lot of depth to meaningfully manage large groups of ppl. Many of these guilds’ governments are going to be run like kingdoms or worse.

What is the use case for a guild with 500 members? If it’s to buff the world then expect buff costs to increase to compensate. That hurts every guild smaller than a mega guild so I don’t think the devs should do it.

In many other games the guilds are capped at 30 or 50 and there are still mega guilds. They just use discord for general assembly across guilds and set them up to sort by member engagement

i kinda like that
to be honest

but def wonna add that it must be possible for a small guild to compete against it

really? what games?

I think the overall “problem” here is that you can have multiple guilds.
I dont feel this should be like this.
1 guild per 1 char. Thats it.


best idea ever
totally make sence
make the guild work for the members and not the members for the guild

I agree on two fronts:

Raise the limit on the amount of people in a guild…maybe 300-400.

The Alts should not be part of the guild. Or somehow have the experience/whatever for all the Alts be transferred to the main for the purpose of the guild items, and then sent to the guild.

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So I have heard this argument before against me and I think this will work well now.
it’s a sandbox game and we need to be able to create big guilds :slight_smile:


So, i really feel like 100 members is far to few for a max cap for a guild in an mmo. Especially considering the possibility that this games community might grow a lot more at some point. I would say, because its true that a too high number of members is bad for the communication and organisation inside a single guild, that it should be raisable to at least 500 members.

BUT i think its good that the default is 100 max. I would like to see a solution where you can put effort into crafting a new block or pay coin or something to raise the cap by 50 members+ each time. that way there is progressions inside the guild, showing the members that they are together a successful guild.

one could make a tiered system like with settlements, where a guild with x amount of members becomes like basic guild/ common guild/ advanced guild/ prestigious guild/ imperial guild/…



I can get behind the idea of cap determined but something achievable like that.

Fix my typo.