Happy 1 month anniversary, footfall being broken!

Well, I’m selling Titanium Hammers for 1095 in my shop on Sorissi. Come stock up (only current access is though a Personal Portal marked “Neviah” in the PS Sorissi hub, new portal network should be opening soon that lets out on my doorstep).

Why do you need to buy a mid grade hammer if you are just building? Are you mining as well? Then you are no longer just a builder and a whole another line of feats becomes open to you if they put in active feats and now you can sell ore for coin as well.

I dual wield iron fists for removing blocks that are mistakes in my build, They are cost effective. It is very rare for me to use a hammer to take down part of my build. Inless I am removing most or all of it.


If you come and build in one of the Antaria locations ill supply you with any and all construction materials you need :slight_smile:

Paying to warp with what money? you’d have no footfall to warp with… Joy

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Can confirm. Everyone and their mother’s aunt is forging, so everyone needs the supplies but no one buys the forged tools.

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Broken footfall formula isn’t what is causing people to stop buying. I mean, it’s not helping either. But footfall is simply just pocket change and was never meant to be your primary source of income. As such, it wouldn’t have the impact on shop owners inability to sell.

It’s a smaller playerbase that is causing the issue.Plus people catching up to the power game.

I started tracking my store daily sales several weeks ago. I can point to the exact date when my store sales tanked. And that was the official launch of Fallout 76, November 14th. Combined with other games such as Red Dead Redemption plus the US holidays, I believe this caused my store sales to tank completely. My rolling 7 day average also tanked.

I tried asking a few shop owners but no one was really tracking their sales like I was so take it for what it’s worth…

But at least I tried to offer some sort of data to my theory…


Again, that depends on the reward. The current character feat awards are a pittance, not even worth worrying about.

For the size of my build, I’d be getting thousands of coin a day if footfall was fixed and I’d actually be able to pay my oort bill.

I HATE hunting. It’s boring, obnoxiously random and no matter what I do, my hunter gets owned constantly because I want to wreck shop, not constantly be drinking and eating stuff. Edit: Seriously why is the “cr” word censored. Stop it, it’s not a curse.

It’s also almost impossible to effectively hunt solo.

But I need high end critter bits if I want to get into forging…things that go for 800c to well over 2000c.

I need gleam colors and building mats on worlds my gatherer can’t survive. (stupid psychic cuttles)

I want more portals, for that I need more oort than I can realistically collect myself. My single 0 blinksec portal is already a pain in my posterior.

For that I need money. And some diddily feat reward income isn’t going to cut it.

Right now I have to alternate between build days and scrounge days because I can’t sustain myself on building alone.

I’m not saying builders shouldn’t ever have to gather or hunt, that’s silly. But their main income should be from others visiting the build.

In conclusion, Footfall should be the maintenance fee. Enough to maintain portals and pick up the basic mats you need to craft tools to build and items to sell.

Anything on top of that (sales, feats, etc) should be “progress.” Better tools, better equipment, mats for a bigger build (so you can increase your footfall)

This is all just my opinion, of course.


sounds awesome newz
footfall def was broken
this was holding me back alot as its my only income the way i play i was actually broke constantly where before i always had 100k in pocket

Smaller base or not, footfall is just a bad currency generator anyways. If the smaller base had reliable currency generation, your shop traffic wouldn’t be as dead imo. A ton of people are just bartering instead because everyone is getting something of worth instead of a currency that’s currently in a terrible yo-yo effect. Bartering is stable. Currency is volatile. What are you going to choose to trade with if you want to feel you’re getting a fair value?

Also if those with the primary source of footfall quit spending/playing that’s an immediate impact on shops across the game that take about a week to see the real impact from. It starts earlier but by 1 week you can really see the struggle.

To be nuanced;

Smaller base or not, footfall is just a bad primary currency generator anyways

I"m personally fine with this. Unless you’re saying that footfall should be a primary currency generator? Which is a whole different conversation.

Footfall should NOT be the primary currency generator is my position.

Edit: since I started playing I abused the roads and bridge idea to ensure I got solid regular income. It’s impossible to be dependent on selling things to shops. I shouldn’t have had to exploit prestige and building mechanics to make coin to supplement income upwards of 70k a day for low prestige builds. Implement a daily way for me to actively get that currency.

Maybe that’s intended though and I just disagree with the mechanic. I’ll still use it anyways.

I was just using the hammer as a baseline example of something that costs about 2k

Peoples income (not shop owners) SHOULD be selling their gathered goods to shop owners. Miners, gatherers and hunters.

Shop owners income SHOULD be selling the of items they’ve made from the gatherer crew.

The problem I have seen here and in EA was that buy/sell prices didn’t add up. People would rather alt and make those hammers, because selling the resources wasn’t cost effective enough.
I don’t even mean a small 50-100c profit for the Shop, it was in the thousands. Yet they’d be buying the raw materials at such low prices I’d rather put the time in to an alt to craft the things I needed.

And as I said above somewhere, it’s been long enough that a lot of people have had the time to make alts, to make what they need. Who needs shops?!

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And yet I do it all the time. With sub pair weapons as well because I hate slingbows

What is your oort bill?

If you want to get into forging then you are no longer just a builder. You can not expect doing one thing and one thing only to enable you to do everything else. Not in a game that is pretending to be an MMO. and never in a game that is a MMO

This is a Char build problem. Level up a little and get the skill points to be able to go out.

Max out the control stat. and get the shadow epic, and mobs won’t bother you again in most cases inless you go up to them and hug them.

How? It lasts weeks on end with a small amount of shards

Which is why my whole point is about adding better active feats that pay well, and moving the focus off of passive stuff. the passive stuff will still be there, it just will not be the best way to get it.

Yeah, me too. I didn’t bother to read this entire thread because it’s probably all over the place. And I agree with James. You can’t simply A/B test this either. Even if they fixed it to where it was or should’ve been, there are too many variables to really understand if footfall was the culprit to store sales tanking.

But I’ll let all the other video game economists chime in though :slight_smile:

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I did that. It doesn’t seem to do a freaking thing. All it takes is a single cuttle I didn’t see to shoot one homing beam from further than I can return fire (as if it would matter since I can’t hurt him anyway) and I’m dead before I even know I’m being attacked.

We seriously need armor. Let me forge full plate for my gatherer so I can ignore the enemies completely

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That’s generous. :rofl:

Then this feels like a situational awareness problem where you mistakenly got very close to one, or maybe you got within range of a meteor, meteor mobs do not care about this bonus at all

You can to degrees with

Dont understand the “i dont get footfall for what i like to do so it doesnt help”. Everyone benefits from footfall whether its directly, or a flow on effect. Where do you think the coin in request baskets originated from? It certainly wasnt 100c dailys.

People saying we need a way for miners to make money etc… that is footfall. For example, i have a rock shop with 150 request baskets buying at 3c each, but theyre all zero balance at the moment cause no one is buying and i have no income to fund them. Miners would have a steady income if i had coin to put in them… and it would be a lot more than 2000c for 20000 rocks. And then miners would also have coin to spend elsewhere, and the circle of life continues.

Id agree that most dont get much coin from footfall directly, but everyone definitely gets a lot of income from footfall either 2nd or 3rd hand when they sell things.



The builders get footfall money

He gives that money to shopkeepers in exchange for mats.

That money adds to the shopkeepers’ footfall to spend on mats and goods for forging and resale.

The gatherers, miners and hunters then get that footfall by selling the things they collect.

Likewise portal hub guys need to buy oort from somewhere…that somewhere is the hunters. All that footfall doesn’t stay in the hub, it feeds everyone else.

In a game where every systems ties back to building, the bedrock of the game and economy needs that stream of income.