Happy 1 month anniversary, footfall being broken!

All this talk makes me want to extend my six month gleam club out another six months :joy::rofl:

I’m in for the Long haul. No regrets.


How do we check the days left on GC?

Yeah thats a good point, the not all eggs in the same basket. Definitely needs a balance, just not sure what that could be. Footfall is so heavily engrained in the game adding other ways would definitely change things. Mostly the portal hubs i think, and then we’d all be paying 1000s in warp costs to visit eachother and have even less coin.

I really dont envy the devs. This is too much thinking for a saturday morning, let alone doing it full time. Im going back to smashing rocks.

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Frankly, I’ve always read the posts about footfall and thought to myself why do people depend on footfall this much? It really is puzzling to me. I mean I withdrew money out of my beacons at the very beginning of the game once then I never touched them. I lived off my shop and I still continue to. Is it the footfall? Or the people’s playing style? Or both? I don’t collect everything myself. Actually, my suppliers know I buy almost everything for the shop and for personal use. I have 1 character with 3 skillsets too so I cant craft everything myself.

I ain’t goin’ nowhere…unless portal hubs go away. :slight_smile:

My biggest problem with footfall being broken is that I can’t sell stuff. Iron, gold, copper etc.

And I therefore have a hard time buying things because I cannot sell things because nobody has footfall coin to buy my stuff.

Not everyone runs a shop or wants to run a shop. The problem here is those people have no one to sale to when request baskets are no longer being filled up. If Boundless forces you to run a shop it’s no longer a sandbox, but a shop simulator.

This isn’t an issue for people who don’t have any skin in the currency game. If you want to get an item it’s very easy to trade/barter for/towards it.

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But you do too, just not from your own beacons.

Footfall is the only way money is entering the economy, so everyone who makes lots of footfall are the ones fueling the economy. Without footfall, there would be no one to buy from your shops.

It’s kinda like real life, in a simplified way. Everyone seems to love to hate the rich, but if the rich were not rich, then none of us would have money.

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Am I the only one who makes 1-2k from footfall a day still and finds it worthless? Although I prob spend 200k a day. (I have spent 400k today alone, on random stuff)

I don’t think the devs realize how critical the economy has become. It’s DEAD. Not ‘tough’, DEAD. People are losing hope of it ever getting better, ever being able to advance, buy anything, or sell anything. They are already shifting out of your currency into a barter system.

That’s an economy on it’s last legs of deflation. This IRL is when the bank of Japan started printing money…and it took a decade to fix it. Ben Bernake, prior Fed chairman, said it best when he said “we lack the tools to defeat this great recession. What we need is a mandate to drop helicopter money.” - translated into English that means just ■■■■■■■ printing money and handing it out to the poor to spend to get the economy moving again.

He never got that permission and it took the USA 10 years to recover by way of printing money and giving it to big banks. The great recession could have been significantly shortened if he had dev tools - if he could literally inject money into the base of the economy.

Devs - You have ***** dev tools. You can inject money directly into the base of the economy. And if you can’t do that in time the economy is going to DIE. It doesn’t ***** matter how or where you inject it at this point - you can inject it through footfall at the top and that will fix it over time, or you can add daily coin feats to inject it at the bottom.

But this is critical at this point. You need to do something NOW.

[edited to removed unfiltered words - Stretchious]


I disagree, I am doing quite fine in the economy Xyra. I have easily made millions in the time of a month.

I simply follow what is in demand, gems were at a peak so I mined them. Now forge ingredients are in demand as are oort. I corner the parts of the market that are on a rise, just like any normal investor would. I then put that money back into the economy, today alone I bought 9 6k dmg hammers, 10, sling bows and paid someone 200k to build me a tree. The other day, I was giving away hundreds of thousands to players, for free.

You’ve made millions? Doing what? Selling gems when gem selling was good? Yes - times were better back when servers crashed a lot of there were more people in the game and everyone was buying their way past the gem wall.

That’s old news.

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Ignore him. He’s on his 3rd or 4th or however many forum accounts now.

They still exist, I just retire them. What I say holds true either way.

This is awesome for you.

I purchased forge ingredients, a few weapons & tools, & several other items today from shops. I’ve collected plenty in footfall from my beacons today. I’ve sold a decent amount of items today, including some maps I made. I’m one of the few, like you, that are managing to do okay for myself.

However, I cannot ignore the fact that I see many players, including some of my friends…struggling. I feel that they should be able to earn coin…not just me. An MMO is about everyone. Some people will always earn more than others…absolutely. Some play more than others or do more…it’s only fair. But-

I can tell the economy is total poop, regardless of how I’m doing by the fact that several large shops have closed in the past 7 days, almost every ask-basket I come across is empty, tons of portals have gone cold…

Sure would like to see more people enjoying themselves, then to see them frustrated & quitting.

Don’t get me wrong, I love BL and have zero plans of going anywhere.

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That’s some bitter grapes, sir. You’re acting like Wonderstruck put up a sign that said “This is the good spot, build here”.

Those spots collect footfall because the PLAYERS built there. The portal hub guys get footfall because they built something people want to visit. Players in cities get extra footfall because they decided to come together and build that city in the first place.

I don’t get footfall because I built in a lucky spot. I had to make it something people want to visit.

I mean, I’m sure you secured some land around the new portal hubs on the new worlds, right?


There is plenty to grab. You can be one of the “lucky” by putting in the EFFORT to go to those places and build something that people want to see.

There is also nothing stopping you from gathering a bunch of people to start a portal hub or city of your own.

Footfall isn’t free, it’s hard freaking work.

All economys will have people who struggle, if they don’t learn to adapt and move with the market (or have the intelligence to do so) Should we really reward them, for doing nothing?

This guy gets it. I don’t like being a complainer… it really is this bad.


Right…as it’s supposed to.

As I said, some people will always earn more, and they should.

BL is new, for sure. There probably isn’t a MMORPG sandbox that I haven’t played. I can’t think of one, that has a healthy economy from just one form of currency. Some have currency + built-in markets that everyone can access.