Happy 1 month anniversary, footfall being broken!

The dead portals of shops I used to visit are just depressing. Lol

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I will never be the top of the pyramid. Some players will have millions while I have thousands. And that is awesome! That’s how I want the game to be. I don’t understand all this portal hub hate, and hate towards the rich in general.

People on here be like, “I hate those filthy hub owners with their money bins, no offense Hash.” :rofl:

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Shoot…Hash /Devourer /Creegle must think I’m stalking them lol. (I swear, I’m not!)

I’ve come across some amazing work they’ve done…it’s just wow. And several others. I would rage-quit if I had to stress about all of those portals. Kudos to them.

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You keep saying that, but it’s not true. Not even remotely. If it was, we wouldn’t be having this problem.

You have that now. It’s not unfair just because someone is better at it or has more forethought than you.

Again, ANYONE can do what the PS guys did. Still can.

I’m not sure guys like miner understand how much work it takes to maintain those footfall machines. It’s practically a second job.


Why did you delete, you raised a good point.

Anyway, unless I misunderstood him, the “not a trivial fix” part was the effect on the game, not what it takes to implement it. There is no reason why there can’t be additional ways to earn coin, and I’d encourage it.

But unless you are part of the odd minority who want to portal hubs to die, footfall (or some other form of passive income) is essential. Portal hub guys should be using their “work time” in the game to maintain portals, not hunt meteors.

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Your message reminds me of this video,

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Ok. What doses this maintenance involve? Maybe I don’t understand something. The time consuming part from my understanding, is, building the hubs, which involves all of the blocks and signs and so on, linking them together, and if you want a more successful portal hub, having some extra portals to attractive places. like shops and farming spots.

But after that is all said and done, As far as I am aware. Inless new worlds come out. All that needs to be done to maintain, Is keep the portals fueled. And every now and then check to see if any of the rent-able portals are violating any of the rules.

Is there some other aspect to this I am 100% missing? cause from what i understand, getting it all setup with everything i think is 90% of the effort. Walking around to all the portals with an inv full of fuel and pressing E on each portal which for the PS hub is about 70 or 80 portals. so thats 3 chars you have to fill with fuel and walk around and pressing E on 80 portals and adding it in, which with the way PS haves it set up, is done in a very logical manor, and with division of labor, the work load to maintain per person drops quite a bit, if walking around to 80 portals every 3 days is to much. which the time to walk between between each portal is 5 or 10 seconds

So if there is something I am missing in this regards. I want to know.

Naw I don’t really want portal hubs to die. But I do not feel the reduction of footfall is going to cause them to die, This situation has been going on for a month now of bad footfall, the PS hub is still alive and well as far as I can see, so they are doing something right, Futhermore, they seem to have 12M of coin they have in surplus they are willing to give away for free for an art contest of some kind?. That other hub network that I don’t really use much still seems to be around Aqua hub or something… The only hub that “died” as far as I can tell, was one of the shopping hubs. Skyway-something. Rather or not that was due to lack of footfall. I don’t know. I am going to guess there were other factors to that. Inless someone wants to educate me otherwise…

This post deserves 10’characters.

From what I’ve seen, hub owners have to:

  1. Build the hub
  2. Install the conduits
  3. Rent the portals
  4. Wait for the owner to tell them the name for the sign
  5. Wait for the owner to let them know what’s up if their portal goes out
  6. Make sure the portal isn’t opened to something it shouldn’t be
  7. Move/alter/edit as needed…
  8. Move world portals if needed
  9. Work with others & their alts to fuel the portals…along side their real lives…

Not a job I’d want to do lol

I honestly have no idea what they are doing. But you always see a few of them scurrying around breaking or placing things. They seem very busy, at any rate. The hubs also always seem to be changing.

Lets remember, too, that this isn’t thier own place. This is what they do in addition to thier place. They don’t pocket any of that footfall, it all goes back into the hubs.

Alpha is even worse. I swear they have to move things around every week.

Don’t forget the;
meteor hunts to fuel the portals
restocking oort request baskets
Buying oort when in short supply
asking people to help donate because they’re struggling to maintain portals
make oort shards for who knows how many portals.


I only seen “work” being done on a hub when the new worlds came out a little awhile ago, and then I saw some signs being changed when the new signs came out, other then that the hub seemed rather static to me.

I was told that 12M of that footfall was going to a art contest. How can they do that if they are struggling to just even pay for oort? I don’t understand

Now as for them pocketing it or not. I am going to remain neutral with that. I don’t know how much foot fall the hubs are getting in total, There is no transparency report. So I have absolutely no way to judge this. I am going to assume they are not pocketing it.

From what I’ve seen, PS is managing fine & ran the contest to give back to people and inject some fun.

Aqua/aquarius/Ultima is the one that seems to ask for oort a lot.

Two different hub networks.


PS is fine, but Aqua is not? they are both major networks yes? What is one doing that the other one isn’t?

Dunno, I don’t manage them.

Portal size. People who like Alpha like having all the portals in one place. Those huge portals require metric tons of oort.


If they want to be purposefully cost inefficient, then that is not the fault of the footfall if footfall proves to be unsustainable for that reason. If is a bonus for every portal to be in one place. That is going to cost more.

Also if they only have one major hub like that, then they are also getting less footfall in total, as the way PS is doing it, they have 48 footfall generators. some which will pay for themselves, some which will over pay for themselves, and some that won’t pay for themselves

So yes if they are doing it that way, then I can see why they are having a problem.

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No doubt. But having a different “business model” allows them to compete. Lots of people really prefer Alpha. shrug

I never seen this portal network.
Skyway Shopping.

are the only ones I discovered so far

Where is this Alpha hub at?

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