Happy ps4 deluxe day :D

:partying_face: :partying_face:

That is all :smiley:


Wat it’s out? The upgrade?

It is in the UK definitely, not sure about elsewhere!

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Oh no! Does this now mean that we PC players have to treat the PS4 players like equal class citizens? :sweat_smile:

lol, this coming from the guy who plays on PC with an xbox controller!


Not in the US😔… but soonish😌

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The upgrade still advertises an ‘in game title’

Is this a thing? @SamF

Going to buy it later today (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ for a crapton of extra plots


I’m so excited for my crapton :laughing:

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I’ve already bought it and started download from my phone. :grin:

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Finally we have it.
Good extra plots :blush:


The title is being seen as the same deluxe person as the PC users who has it. :angel:

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I’m still confused lol
I’ve never noticed a way to tell if PC users have deluxe? What title? :confused:

Just redeemed! :sunglasses:

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(PC player)

The early backer folks got to customize their forum title. For the rest of us, I’m not sure if they plan to add it to the game in the future, but for now, the title thing only applies to the forums and this selection:

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I am in the same boat. I play most of my PC games with a controller these days. I must be getting old and lazy?

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It says ‘in game title’ though @majorvex

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I’ve always been lazy and yeah now the old is starting to set in too, lol

But hey I just see it as having the best of both worlds.

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The title is on your character GUI. The backer titles were Explorer, Adventurer, etc. The Digital Deluxe Edition is Voyager. We originally planned to expose these into the HUD when you met players but never got around to it. So it’s a bit of a dormant feature.


I’m still a little sad it doesn’t show up around the name in some way, in a different text or color.

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Sweet, I’ll definitely upgrade when it’s out. “Deluxe” usually just means you get a piece of craplewtz that’s good at lvl 1 but obsolete by lvl 4.

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