Happy ps4 deluxe day :D

It’s just the plot bonus and months GC and golden fist recipe. You don’t get any items or anything I don’t believe
Edit: think I misunderstood your post :slight_smile: I get what you mean now!

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Congrats to everyone on PS4 :+1:t3::+1:t3:


I prefer using a PS handle, but I’m too lazy to map it so I also use an Xbox controller. Why WASD when you can :video_game::guitar::guitar::guitar::musical_note::metal:t3::metal:t3::metal:t3:


Does this mean i can upgrade again^^

Leave it!!! It’s small potatoes!!:potato: Content, content!!


nah… I’m sure something soon will come to Boundless that will show why PCs are better. :slight_smile:

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What if you have dual citizenship?

< alien high-pitched scream >


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Probably rental planets only available on pc because of some odd clause Sony has

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Best meme ever :laughing: beta-sh*t-7
Makes me wanna change back to my Unity profile pic :smiley:


Woot i do the same… Xbox one usb wireless adapter, logitec wireless keyboard/mouse combo, hdmi out to a tv and sit on the couch some times.

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Ah more inequality? Nice! Will go over well!


Hmm, well, if we can rent them on Steam we can still use them on PS4 :slight_smile:

So no biggie for people who play on both, but it would be not-okay otherwise…

Almost all games update the platforms at different times & everything isn’t equal…even with ones that have been around for a long time like Minecraft & Terraria. If you want the exclusives that the Switch offers, you get a Switch if you can. If you want the exclusives/abilities that a PS4/PS5 offers, you get that if you can. It’s just the way it is. All hardware is not created equal :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

PS is awesome but

For the amount of $ that the PS5 will cost, plus peripherals, plus buying the games again, plus PSN sub, & it’s hardware limitations…I don’t see why someone wouldn’t just get a gaming PC that can do it all instead of a new PS (unless you have kids I suppose), but people want what they want & that’s cool. It’s just too easy to pop an HDMI cord on your PC & connect it to your TV (you can even use the one that comes with your playstation lol), add a $14 xbox controller and Voilà!

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I could have got like 4 ps4 pros with the amount of money my gaming laptop cost. But I still prefer my PS4 over my pc. Always will. Well actually only game I like playing better on pc is diablo 3. Tho I never played ff14 on pc only on PS4 so I might like that better on pc as well if I tried it.


I could have bought 7 or 8 lol

That’s cool though. I totally understand that some people prefer different things. Not hatin’

My playstation and switch are gathering dust lol. I probably won’t buy anything else for them… I do all of my work/play on my PC and laptop - that’s just me tho.

I completely agree with you. That being said, something big and widely requested by the community would kind of be a bummer to have only available to one platform… perhaps a balance could be given to do something special to the other half of the community as a kind gesture?

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Something beyond the deluxe upgrade?

-I wish they would add a bunch of things to the steam shop and the exchange for all of us lol

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Well the comment I was referring were speaking of rental planets. If they were only for PC, a lot of people who play on PS4 wouldn’t find that fair. That would be a big aspect to the entire game. Considering there isn’t a price difference between the two platforms…

As for the Deluxe Upgrade… I’m PS4 in California… waiting patiently for my turn to buy it!!! :nerd_face:

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Oh. I think Xal was joking (if he’s not, I wouldn’t agree with that sentiment at all). I don’t think it would only be available to PC players…at least I hope it would be available to all?

Maybe he means VR support or ray-tracing/gfx? @Xaldafax what are you not telling us lol

I have a gaming PC since a few months, I also play Boundless on there.

Quite frankly, yes, it looks better, it plays smoother, when it works…

I play with a controller, many a time I want to play for a short while on PC and then suddenly Steam doesn’t recognise my controller anymore and I need to waste 30+ minutes to get it working again.

On a console everything just works and it works smoothly without any issues whatsoever. For many people it is the ease of use that is very attractive. If I didn’t want to use a PC for other stuff besides gaming I would not have gotten one…

Also the PS5 will be fully backwards compatible with the PS4 and thus there will be no need to be buying games again. I recently, with Black Friday, added another year to PS+ for €44. The PS4 at release was €400, the PS5 is either the same or 100 more, buying a PC at that price point is not gonna be one that is going to easily outperform the PS5.
Sure one can go the cheaper route and build one yourself, even tho I can do such things I don’t actually enjoy it so I’d rather not, thanks…

My current PC cost me €800, had to buy various cables and little other items to get my couch gaming to work as I want it, I could have bought multiple PS4 Pro’s with that money, some games too and a PS+ sub…

Honestly, I don’t see why people even bother with PC’s :wink:

Sure, but Boundless always updates both platforms at the same time.

And at a time that people seem to dislike the meteor mods on PC with the current event I do not think it’s a great time to add other PC only stuff…