Happy ps4 deluxe day :D

Yeah my Switch is too currently, even tho there are plenty of games I wanna play on it. My PS4 Pro is not gathering dust but all the other games I have for it besides Boundless are…

It’s Boundless I tell ya, it got its hooks in us…

Dunno about you but such things I feel are an utter waste of dev time at this point. Sure I want them, but there are so many more things that I would like to be added right now!

More permanent planets, rental planets, heck an EXO or two! :smiley:


ikr, if Boundless came out on switch, I can’t say that I wouldn’t buy it :joy:
My niece would probably be able to play it by then

I’m def not gonna try to convince anyone to buy something they don’t want. Heck, I refused to use Steam forever - I had my reasons lol.

I don’t understand… unless I’m crazy I’m certain I’ve had this deluxe edition on PS4 since early 2019. 10% extra plots and I’ve been making gold fists all this time.

This is the deluxe upgrade for the people who bought the normal version

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I like couch gaming so I prefer consoles. Also you never have to upgrade your hardware (well, until recently) for a full generation of 10 years. Every game for PS4 runs on my PS4, no hardware specs to check or test. Every game is 100% designed to work. And everyone I play against (again until ps4pro) has the same options settings resolution controller etc (well yeah there’s turbo controllers). No macros or cheating (usually). Minimal crashes. And it’s always cheaper.

For the record I was a PC gamer from age 10 until about age 20. No home consoles other than snes ps2 x360 ps4.


You do if you want to play exclusive titles on the new gen or when the older consoles stop receiving support/games/updates. :wink:

I built my 1st PC in the late 90s. Have been gaming on PC ever since. I also had both consoles, switch, etc…just don’t use them anymore. I don’t like wasting money :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I like options, power, control, accessibility, etc…same reasons I’d never buy a MAC. Plus, I can’t do my work on a toy :grin:

Found me out… Sorry Boundless Matrix is coming.


…maybe and SOON

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I saw nothing…please don’t use the Neuralyzer on me
(dang it! I knew I should have ordered a VR kit instead of those RGB strips :angry:)

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Yea but a console lasts longer before needing to upgrade. PCs only really stay relevant for 2 years if you want to continuously play every new game on max. Unless you’re dropping really serious money on the pc which would probably last closer to 5 years but at that point your spending more money on a pc than some people do on a car(or it’s a nice sized down payment on a car)

Yes, when your console is no longer supported or a new exclusive game comes out, you have to buy a new one. I can sell/trade my PC parts and simply upgrade to new ones as needed/wanted, without tossing the whole thing. I bought an i7 laptop with a 1050 for around $500 at office max when Boundless launched & that’s what I played it on for awhile. They aren’t that expensive, plus I have to use my PC for work.

If you don’t need or want a PC, you shouldn’t buy one.

Not understanding the ‘or’ there actually. When a new exclusive game comes out it just works on the current gen console??

And when the PS5 comes I can trade in the PS4 Pro and get a discount too.


I would happily play more on PC, Boundless that is, if the controller thing would not happen AND, and that is way more important, if I could transfer characters…

Just hope tho that Boundless will automatically take advantage of the PS5, it might run in some compatibility mode so it might not see the new hardware, that could be a thing that is a positive on PC I suppose…

Yes, when the new gen consoles come out, there is usually a new exclusive game or version of a previous game that will only run on the new console.

For sure. I still have every console and game I’ve ever purchased. My dad prob still has his Atari stuff lol

I would assume Boundless will be ready for PS5…dunno.

Well once you have gazed upon the secrets contained within the debug menu you cannot simply unsee them so with the knowledge gained here you are still an enlightened PC user… who also likes to occasionally dabble with the rabble rousers on PS4. :partying_face: