Hello my name is Thalia!

Hi there :wave::blush: my name is Thalia and I’m a new player that tries to navigate through the universe and needs to figure things first out a little.

Since I’m on vacation at the moment, i thought i would try out something new. My Nana used to play this game, even it wasnt for long due to age and sickness. But she enjoyed Boundless in the time she played. Sometimes i get to play and she watches what I’m doing in other games as she enjoys watching me a lot. I wanted to surprise her for the next time I’m visiting her with playing the game she enjoyed :slight_smile:

I have a little starter cabin on Dzassak, but i noticed, its not so easy the start. I landed in an area that isn’t very helpful either. There are barely any trees nearby for example. And a lot of hills. There’s though a big shop with portals nearby that sells spray paints.

I’m feeling a little alone there in this corner otherwise and was wondering where most people are at? I would like to be on a European planet and one that is friendly and easy for beginners. Do you guys have any suggestions? Also are there any active guilds that are welcoming, patient and friendly to newcomers?

I’m looking forward to hear (read) your answers! :hugs:


Hello and welcome! I hope your nana feels better.

As far as active EU I’m afraid I don’t have specifics, I’ve heard a lot of activity on and around “The Future” which is a player paid for planet.

The early game is a bit slow, you can speed most of it by interacting with the market in game. Using the knowledge tab you can search your current planet for any item in game and it will mark it for you to track in the buy tab.


(^-^)/ Welcome to Boundless Thalia

Your Never Alone with this small yet beautiful Community

One Source of information is to join all the active Discords if you have Discord to ask questions you might have & find Answers your looking for. The main Channel is the Official Boundless Discord :cookie::cookie::cookie:


Hello Thalia :smiley: and welcome in Boundless :slight_smile:

If you’re from Europe i suggest visit and pick your place among Europeans at The Future private sovereign planet :slight_smile:

iijust tell me name of this shop or name above their portals where it leads and ill find you ofeering you portal to The Future, showing everything around and helping find a nice place to settle on :smiley:


Hello Talia,

Welcome to Boundless. I have played for about a year now and yes, it can be a mission getting started and building levels. But once you get into a rhythm the game will give you more and more to do. And it only gets better. So much you will be addicted :sweat_smile:

This forum is full of useful information on how to get around. And the community is always ready to help.

But you don’t have to settle on an EU planet. If you can make it to a portal hub like TNT, Drag0n Lair, Pharos Network, Viking to name a few you have access to all the permanent planets. Lots of nice planets, so explore and enjoy.


Yeap welcome.
Good game for total newbie.

For vets i would say dont just throw stuff for new player.
It makes her experience Feel like a babycookie’s grass conversion.


Don’t forget Living on a Extremely “Lethal” Permanent Planet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hokkupokkus the place To be


Hello, and welcome :slight_smile:


Welcome to our awesome :boundless: game :boundless: :+1: :smiley:


@Odeon still here.
Makes sense.


Thank You all for your replies! :blush:

Fiffer13 Nana is mostly in bed due to long covid. Despite all the symptoms she has from that, she feels as ok as one can feel with higher age. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for the tip Fiffer! Player owned planet you say? Interesting! But I’m not quite sure about that for as of now. I don’t know the owner, so i would rather stick for now to homeworlds I think, at least until i get to know the people behind the planets a little better.

BabyCookie yes I plan to join some discord groups that could guide me a little and maybe I can also find some nice group to play/build with :smiley:

Zjawcia I’m currently not online, i will tell you later how the shop is called that is nearby! That shop seemed to have portals that lead to a few hubs and locations. I walked a bit around but not too much, i didnt want to get lost :sweat_smile:

TootsBoots that is cool! I first need to see if those planets that are out of europe are doable for me, connection wise. I wouldnt want to miss out on the opportunities :smile:

Buugi, Eneitgranny, Odeon Thanks :hugs:

Hm so far there’s not much planet suggestions here other than the future planet that is owned by a player. Are there any worlds that are especially active? (Homeworlds)

How does it look with guilds?

[Seems new users have a limitation of how many players one can mention within a post. But this should do it too :yum:]


Still building strongly on the beautiful planet [Beckon] :+1: :wink:


As mentioned by other players …
… you want/need to find a portal to TNT-HUB.
And the Boundless Universe will be yours :wink:
(if you have the appropriate levels of course)

My Pro-Tip
Eat lots of Teaching pies :+1:


Hello Thalia! Welcome to Boundless :slight_smile: I hope you’re enjoying yourself so far in game! As for active and friendly guilds, I’m sure there are a few options. I’m on and off from the game and staying mostly in my own bubble, so i cant really say who is active and who’s on a break, i dont want to share wrong info!
Same for home worlds. I’m myself on THE FUTURE sovereign and pretty much stick to that if I’m not going for deals around the universe. We also have a guild named BUILD THE FUTURE. You can join the guild but live anywhere in the universe, theres no restrictions.

In general i would recommend to join a bigger guild, they can help you out with special guild buffs that will make your gameplay easier! Ours is just one of the bigger guilds. I’m sure it shouldn’t take long until the others introduce themselves as well. :slight_smile:

Edit: Oh! Before I forget! @Odeon mentioned already the teaching pies. Those are of course an insane helper to make some levels and therefore also plots and skillpoints. But what is also neat, that goes quick and is free, is the REGION EXP! Theres at least two currently open and one very soon to come. One is located at THE FUTURE, open for everyone! Another one is at the sovereign called VALHALLA. And the third i know of is opening estimated this weekend and is located at KAKAROT, also a sovereign. You can see, many people build bigger facilities on sovereigns :wink: of course, dont forget the teaching pie to maximize the experience youre gathering :smiley:

Also, dont be afraid to reach out to people, the boundless community is very helpful :slight_smile:


If you ever feel like you got lost you can “Return to Sanctum” and Use the Portal on the right side in Sanctum to teleport to your Home beacon absolutely Free!


Hi @Thalia419 welcome to the forum and also welcome to the game :purple_heart:


dont go crazy on your first place play a bit gather some materials
and collect some plots then move out and look for a nice big terrain with room enough for gardens house and more :smile:


I dunno, you do get used to having mighty hoppers fall into your main storage room or elite cuttles blasting you off the wall you were building, not to mention the occasional fall into deep lava or off a cliff… The lava is just so pretty =)


You get used to it so much when you try to move back to the lower tier but feels so much more empty without the deadly monsters

it’s mainly getting used to walking through 8 portals just to buy something you need :joy:

I Hope 1 day there be a City on all the high tiers planets