HELP! Forge questions

I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that this is about AoE chisels… I hope I’m right because that’s amazing, but I also agree with this:

Posted about AoE chisels a while back:

I get that it might also be weird for consistency’s sake if AoE/Multishot on an item doesn’t come from forging Special, but the existing AoE boon is already somewhat awkward with its “highest level is basically the worst” and would be even weirder on chisels (aside from transformation ones).

Of course that’s just speculation and assuming it would be the same AoE boon we’re used to, I’d love to hear more details on what this is actually about, context matters!

About loot magnet chisels, I’ve never used them since it saves inventory space to go for something that fits in a smart stack (totem/fist for hunter, hammer for miner, etc.), so I personally wouldn’t mind seeing it gone.

As many have pointed out it is great for newer players but let’s be honest, is a new player more likely to understand what types of Special boons can roll on which items, or more likely to just buy a loot magnet? I also think it could simply be resolved by removing the AoE boon from spanners for now.

Anyway, if you’re looking at forging please consider fixing some of the more simple issues that have been plaguing us:

  • Remove Effect Adjacent for Fists (while it isn’t doing anything)
  • Remove Effect Adjacent for Spanners (while it isn’t doing anything)
  • Fix stability warning popping up when stability > 55 with protection paste
  • Fix stability warning not popping up when stability = 110 without protection paste
  • Make Regenerate World exclude Damage Boon and Defect (just like the Venerable boons already do)
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