HELP! Give us your feelings for crop growing duration?

We do have the head cosmetics. They add a new one every so often. Wasn’t there a rose in the mouth for St Valentine and a beard for Xmas?

I expect actual clothing to be a work in progress, and if the latest update is any indication, something tells me we’ll be able to mix various pieces of clothing to make our own styles, just like we can now mix up to 3 head pieces together. I regret not farming for the beard last Xmas. Had I known they were thinking about doing this, I would’ve taken the beard. Now I’m gonna regret not getting it until next Xmas. Great!

This is all bringing me to the main problem I have with Boundless. The big one.
There is no proper roadmap.

Take a game like World of Warcraft. The devs told us they were going to make a number of changes MONTHS AGO. No dates. But we know things are being worked on. I know we’ll get new HD models for some races. I know I’ll get to hide all my gear except for the pants. I’ve had a LOT of details on the next major patch for maybe a month, and it isn’t coming for a few weeks at least.

In Boundless, I have NO FREAKING IDEA what’s coming aside from the Hunter creature and the farming update. I’m doing my best to prepare for farming, making plans for a zone in my build where I’ll grow crops. But it’s impossible to factor in all the rules we don’t know yet.
I already said it and I’ll say it again :

The farming update might be in testing next week for all I know.
I don’t know any of the rules for farming yet. Will I be able to make an hydroponic farm? Will it require a source of water under the soil like in Creativerse? Will the proximity to water be enough?
How will water behave? Will there be limitations as to how we can place it? Will there be machines to pump water upward?
That’s only a few of the questions I’m asking myself about this.