HELP! Give us your opinion on the balance of beacon compactness?

i fixed mine all good


No I think if you reach a certain point you cannot plot anymore

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It’s two beacons, plus a 3rd one that’s purple for some reason.

James said if someone removes a beacon/plots it can leave a currently purple zone with a low/negative compactness score that will effect the place they were in. So you could think you are safe by building in a dense city or mall, then a big neighbor leaves or forgets to fuel a beacon, suddenly you aren’t in compliance anymore.

I see a lot of yellow/orange lines…they are surrounded by purple. I assume this will be ok…James?

Sounds like a correct interpretation to me. . so you should be able to fill in plots and get your compactness back. Now that is easier said than done if someone adjacent to your road or walkway lets 400 plots expire.

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The system is weird.
Two of the oldest cities at Circarpous at the current treshold of 0.25:
@Heureka’s lovely Watherhamsterfarm at left side is completly yellow, that feels very wrong, since it does look compact. Maybe because of the long one plot street.
It starts to be compact in its whole at 0.16 treshold.
My Home Event Horizon at the right got their entire streets uncompact, i know there are much unplotted areas around, but i don’t consider it as an unrespectful plotting, since i just want to define the streets for that Island to follow my plans.
However, i think i can fix that maybe somehow to make the holes less and the Streets bigger.
The Event Horizon Street has a treshold of 0.04 to get compact.

But the real weird thing is, that my streets at Horizon don’t get compact till the treshold reaches 0.04, but the my small street between my town and Heurekas seems to be compact at 0.14.
That does not make sense for me @james
This small street does not look more compact than my streets, that are going mostly compact through Horizon.

i used paint program + bucket tool = win


If the beacon is already uncompact then plotting restrictions are removed.

This will be seen with pre-existing beacons and also if you or someone else removes enough adjoining plots to render your beacon uncompact.

lol Then I’m gonna paint the mall all purple and send it in with my appeal. :grin:

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ill support you! im sure it wil be fine


Sorry you are correct on an existing build it will let you do what you need to in order to become compact. After release it will prevent you from expanding once you get to the uncompact level.

Not sure if this quoted right, but there was this that he did say, which suggests we can still plot over, and the only negitive is prestige?

interesting it looks quoted right but then he says this.

On test when I plot
1- if placing a plot in a specific location will make the beacon uncompact it stops me from making the beacon more uncompact.
2 - I can still place plots in other spots where I am not making the beacon uncompact.
3 - I can have more that one spot where adding a plot would make the beacon uncompact and it will not let me add plots there but I can add plots where it makes the build more compact.

Heureka would have same problem as your town, and he is solo player and his beacons are all together. The holes in it and the “outside”
streets screw down the compactness level very much, even it looks quite compacted in its whole. The Whole would be uncompact aswell.

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in german layout ( QWERTZ ) the key “,” and “.”
(can you add this to the top post, cost me some time to find the key on german keyboard)

@james first great work with the webapp, can you let this webapp forever ?

and I have 1 question over it

bevor long time

if i change the date only the current status of the plot is displayed
is this like you planned it ?

can you maybe make the picture in a spoiler pls, otherwise the post is ultra long :wink:

there are images from previous dates, but the beacon-analysis is only available for the latest data. (I dont know if he “planned” it to still be visible when changing dates; but this is why it doesnt update the beacon overlay)

it would be great to see if we change something ingame how it change the compactness


NOT ON BOUNDLESS ITS NOT! :stuck_out_tongue:


And yet at this time, this feels to be exactly what you are doing, as it stands at this point in time. At least for me and my own situation.

Honestly might be considering quitting the game if the changes get pushed to live as they seem to stand right now, at this point in time.