HELP! Give us your opinion on the balance of beacon compactness?

What happens if you have a filled in city that empties out (say, Legendville) - it seems like the city gets flagged if people deplot

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That yellow on the right is expansion areas. Basically any preplanned road is “illegal”. Also all of the city of Stormgarden is illegal (top right and top middle) and Legendville is illegal (bottom left). Main mall areas are all purple though. But that’s because I spent the past few weeks splitting it into separate plots for each road, so I could name the beacons “row A” etc for aesthetic and navigation purposes, purely by coincidence.

I presume the rules will change to allow preplanned areas before release. I wouldn’t spend too much time tearing up roads. Personally I plan to keep up with the mall expansion plotting, though maybe I’ll hold off on harder building until we know for sure.

I can’t imagine the devs would delete my roads with people on them - at max alt. That wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Maybe it’s better if I take a break for a year and come back and see the damage


Looking that way sadly.

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and @majorvex
What Nightstar said.
This thread is for feedback… it should not lead to panic attacks.

Nobody should unplot now anything, since we don’t know exactly how James will solve the problem for the math of compactness.

I am consider the whole system for now as very unusable.
Circarpous per example would need a threshold of 0.04 to leave it fair to actual builds of all Settlements there. None of them i would consider as an abuse.
But if you need a threshold of 0.04 to be fair, then you can throw away the whole system to the trashbin. :wink:

I think the only way the issues with Townstreets can just be adjusted, that they get not that down for some outside roads, where nothing is plotted around.
They should get a big Plus on their Compactness value based on the % of the overall compactness.
For Nova Golda per example it should not even be considered as uncompact, since the majority of the street is in a highly compact area.


So 3 wide roads are not compact?

Or is the problem the sliver on the west side? Have to replot that road still but it should be compact no? As the complete orange road structure is 3wide and the middle ones 4 wide?
Or am I missing the point somewhere.

[edit] btw thx @majorvex for the shots :wink: as you all can see have to do it from my phone :wink:

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I totally agree with 99% of what you have said. James asked for input so we are asking questions and providing input. Highlighting concerns :+1:

Not mad and no panic attack :wink:

Your building should not get punished in any way, since it not even is close to the plotting abuse of the past, that the Devs want to prevent with the plotting restictions.


Some of our roads are three plots wide too. The width of a road can help raise the overall compactness score but the longer the road is the lower the score will go regardless


I believe it’s the ratio between the amount of used plots vs the amount of neighbouring empty plots. so the ‘roads’ beacon won’t pass on its own, but when the areas get filled, the amount of neighbouring empty plots will go down and beacon gets better score


I’m really hoping they will just shelf this idea and put something fun on the release schedule.


Boundless plotting instructions, simplified:



So… ill have to split that beacon completely up… preferably be for the update to be “A OK” to avoid future problems.

(All im thinking about now is gowd where am i gonna hide all those beacons😉)

I know it won’t be completely necessary but just saying as the middle always will be “compact” i can lose the entire road network because of this. Better safe then sorry and split all.

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Make squares, not war😛


That little sliver wouldn’t be the catalyst itself because the adjacent blue beacon makes that plotted area as wide as the others. So it’s all the roads branching out there that aren’t allowed. Even if that was all one beacon it would be flagged due to the roads.

My highway is blue because the majority of it is surrounded by builds. It’s like 800+ plots, 1-wide the whole way except some spots I had to beef up so my farm on the outskirts could join the city. I took great pride in that leading to a crazy growth spurt as the main roads of the town were cut off on both sides and I managed to convince my friend to let me road through his plots from the main road to my newly placed highway.

I love the way the highway followed the terrain around the famous death holes of Sorissi for safe travel and a non-square city layout and I’ll be devastated if I can’t continue on to my two outskirts builds I recently plotted.

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Just needs to be a certain ratio of plotted vs empty space next to those (or contained within I guess). Does not have to be square really. I was a little concerned about the VB area on Lasaina but it appears to not be an issue because we do not have alot of “open” space inside the boundries. We just make holes to give to new players then they plot inside those and if they leave then we re-plot the empty space until later. So not really using the buffer system except for around the outer perimeter.


looking at this, based on my understanding of the system, you won’t need to delete anything at all. Being out of compliance only results in 0 prestige, but you can slowly bring it back into prestige as people start filling the space in with shop beacons. as it fills in, it should automatically change to being back in compliance and grant the appropriate prestige score at that time. So, you can continue to plot and expand, but it won’t benefit the rest of the mall until it is more occupied.


Well I can personally breathe a sigh of relief. I hope that the reasonable people that had concerns are also safe. I haven’t had the chance to read the thread yet. I will be following this issue with high hopes that people of good intentions are not negatively affected.


Had to make myself laugh. I’ll give this thread a rest for now.


Well this is encouraging. So what I am understanding is that if I don’t want My Home to be a part of The Octopus in Xa Frant then this update should fix things like this from happening?
