HELP! Give us your opinion on the balance of beacon compactness?

True, but this isn’t a solo place. If I don’t do something, a lot of people will be affected - so there’s no way I’ll leave it as-is.

All mall spaces(within red square) are 100% occupied and filled. When the mall reaches capacity, I expand and make a new section (currently cyan squares). Obviously, new areas will be vacant until filled. I guess each expansion should be on a new beacon? Seems like that would split prestige up - maybe not. Also not sure if this would fall under multiple-beacon-abuse or not.

Curious why the upper left area isn’t yellow/orange. There’s only a few builds on that beacon - I thought for sure I’d have to delete that :woman_shrugging:

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Where did this maps come from? Can someone drop a link?

Did you even read the op?


Oh I didn’t noticed, I have been distracted with my city being mostly yellow because of the way we did the road, we changed things up, so it should help.

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@james would you update these maps with the compactness overlay once every few days or once a week until this change goes live? (if you have time)

This way, we could make a few edits to try to get in or close to being compliant - beforehand.


I may be wrong, but think this may currently be a moving target as the threshold has not been decided on yet.


This would help, that way we can do the necessary changes by the time the update drops.


Was going to include the link but my dog wanted to puke and didn’t have time lol

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I believe I saw something about @james mentioning when this goes live the compactness will take into consideration the larger area thus beacons that are infrastructure for roads will not be an issue given they help form a larger compact structure.

The impact of the final threshold value changes what “might” need fixing pretty quickly. i.e.:

If they put it at .25

But at .22 it becomes

Then at .18 is pretty much already good

So for me, if using this as an example… I would say my input to the devs is somewhere closer to the 20 range might be good. But that is just using one example.


To me, this whole thing just seems way to complex and nothing in game will be able to tell players how the system actually works without looking like a Calculus class.

City expansions seem complicated through this system, at least from what I’ve been reading in here. Does is also mean we can’t legitimately have roads (that don’t even steal prestige?).

I guess this whole thing just seems risky to me as it could start hitting on people’s actual fun, and I’m not talking about the people “abusing the system”. I sure hope I’m wrong in that.


Thank you :blush:

I think your mall is a perfect example of the kind of place that should be used to set the threshold. You are clearly using plots to expand the mall, and not at an unreasonable rate (not preplotting with big holes HUGE areas). So if they set the threshold in a range that will put your mall area mostly in the good range then I think that is a pretty sound target in my opinion. Of course this is just one use case, and others need to provide input as well.


I believe the root of this issue is less about the compactness and more about why city and mall builders are doing what they do. The answer is actually simple, the way the plotting works anyone can swing by and disrupt your grand plans by dropping a plot in the wrong spot and now your city planning goes out the window.

As it stands within the game the only way to get around this is to try and “pre-plot” the infrastructure so that when people do plot in the city they fit into the greater picture of the city yet now this is being discouraged so the question is does Wonderstruck have any ideas of how this need can be filled in a different way?

I have been wondering for awhile if this type of planning was going to be destined to rental worlds assuming the rental worlds are by default plotted to the owner and then the owner can release specific plots they want developed by individuals.

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I noticed other builds on other planets that seemed fine too, but they are currently yellow/orange. I’m glad they are open to possibly adjusting the numbers.

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@Grepster don’t completely agree with that. Most times when a city builder or a mall builder extends it happens in an area that can be extended without causing any problems. And most of the times that happens with pre planing.

@Soju-VB good point the main focus to example on should be mall structures.

Don’t get me wrong i know this is just an example of how it could work and won’t mistake it for the main thing. But i just wanted to know in this shot for example.

What caused it to go orange.
@majorvex tested out 3 wide roads can extend longer (on their own) then the 8 i have now. So the 4 4wide roads should not have a issue at all. That leaves 2 options roads in in their (connected under 1 beacon) entirely or just that one sliver on the “west road”.(left side)

Would be good to know if there is a “kind of” calculation plot to “reservation” ratio. For us that can’t use the test servers. So that we can try or calculate a little on our own. To get a basic (not established jet) idea of how it will work.

My thought that was malls and cities are similar in structure … just one has spots for shops the other for builds. So if there are several examples of malls and normal cities that we can find and adjust the threshold to see if there is a good number that would meet the intent without breaking “most” builds. Of course its not going to cover everything.

What planet is your screen capture from?

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Its on lamblis. Have an other on antarVI but its being demolished anyway so not my main focus😉

Just to throw another thing out there…

I think most of us agree that there are some really unique and interesting landscapes in this game. I’d also like to think that there is a creative element to all of this. That being said, isn’t the concept of compactness a bit counter-intuitive to the game in general? Personally, and from what I’ve seen many others do is to build around physical features such as lakes, mountains, etc. This leads to many instances where compactness would never be forgiving.

What about having different levels of compactness where the higher the city tier or prestige value would allow restrictions to ease?