HELP! Help us translate the new Reclaim system!

will the system differentiate between placed and naturally generated blocks?

If I remember correctly the blocks have a dug up Id so probably

But I’m sure they’ll let us know in the patch notes. That’s what I’m waiting to see. We will get our answers then


I busy right now Till evening but , i ll Check later but IT seems to BE a good Translation .

@ Marcello666 WE Chat later after i come Home will BE in about 7 hours.

Then we can discuss what to do and Help them in our language OK , WE have to Help :+1::+1::+1::+1:


I think PANORAMICA could change in INFO,


I like this update and enhancement. Just had a question though seems like people might have different ideas.

But is this for just when fuel runs out or when some one recalls all plots on a beacon?

It seems the answer is yes, yes :+1:

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Overview - Übersicht
never see a other translation like that, and the length is nearly the same

Fuel - Brennstoff
don’t know any good shorter translation only “Treibstoff” but this word is not shorter, the only other idea I have is “Befeuern” its a bit shorter but not so good as the other 2 words

Permissions - Rechte
“Rechte” is the german word that in nearly the most of all games used for the permission system, and it is one of the few words where in german is shorter than in english, and the space you save is enough to compensate for the increased space from “Brennstoff”

Options - Optionen
the german word is only 1 letter more :wink:

Info - Info
german and english has the same word :grin:

Reclaim - Zurückfordern
“zurückfordern” is the best german translations which is not misleading in german, other words are most time misleading or longer

@Kralith @Saturate @Alucard2150 @Damagekai what you think over this translations ?


The translations sounds good overall.

To make this one shorter:

You could also use “Rücknahme”. It is not an exact translation of Reclaiming, but a translation of “taking back”. And it is shorter than the other. :wink:


Wait wait wait … So what if someone decides to get resouces by exploiting this system?
example: plotting a whole resouces hotspot, yeah I mean PLOTTING, not using hammers to mining, then they wait for the beacon expires to get the natural and resouces blocks… That could be a big trouble @james

I have understood that game has own block IDs for placed blocks otherwise this would be used as next leveling trick with natural materials found from world :smiley:

This sort of moving option is really good addition. Moving is never fun process to me so good that some part of it will be possible to eliminate in Boundless :smiley:


Yeah pretty sure they thought about this. Anyways we still don’t know how it eill works until the testing hit it up.


I guess it is quite easy to check, if the Block is a placed block or a natural spawned block, otherwise the Regeneration bombs would not work properly.
That means, it just take the blocks that would get removed at regeneration to the void storage.
If you ever throwed regeneration bombs, you maybe noticed, that a seam don’t get removed, but stays in place. That means, this kind of block would not get into the void storage for this reason.


Matter of the past otherwise one could expire their own beacon, loot their own old place and have everything saved up in the reclaim storage.

There will be something new to replace it! What that is nobody knows outside of the dev team

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The devs know Dutchies speak English well enough that we don’t need a translation! :smiley:


Thieve Skill incoming! :joy:

I think there are some ways to avoid this kind of issues.

  1. Identify the placement blocks or nature blocks.
  2. Avoid all the nature blocks like rock, ore blocks …etc
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As mentioned above already the game knows the difference between a placed soil block and one that was there already. So when it packs up all your stuff the soil blocks you placed yourself will be returned to you the others will not.


If you’re reaching a limit of available space, have you considered using icons in place of words? You could still add a localised tab name on the pane when you go into them, and people get used to icons pretty quickly (especially if there is hover text etc).

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This should prevent using for mining etc unless people don’t mind getting it back slowly.
Maybe disable this feature from camp fires?

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I think what he meant is that you can place a beacon inside the campfire area so the beacon get active with the campfire time.

So i think it doesn’t work with campfire