i just got boundless wayfarer i used the code but it wont start i click play then it just shuts down eny one can help?
are you start the game over steam ?
if not try it. if it dont help try to reinstall boundless. Sometimes it help mif you de install it and reinstall it.
already tried to the boundless map to laucnh i laucnh from steam and reinstalled
but i try to reinstall again
and in proces manager it shows up for a sec and then dissapears like it never launched i wanna play this game not having trouble
dident work
sry more i cant help you, but you can post the log from boundless here, than can the dev`s help you better.
the log u found under
C:\Users[Your Windows User Name]\AppData\Local\Turbulenz\Boundless
i wish you merry christmas, i need to go now
can eny of you fix the issue im having?
edited by Havok40k: Removed @ mention of all devs except for James- no need to interrupt the entire studio for a single support request.
i dont have that map it doesent seen to be there
Do you have a firewall running? Is the game blocked?
Any anti-virus running?
You need to download and install the Visual C++ 2013 run-times: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784. For some reason they weren’t installed already (or via Steam, or however you got the program).
Du måste hämta och installera Visual C++ 2013 run-gånger: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
Av någon anledning att de inte var installerat redan (eller via Steam, eller emellertid du fick programmet). Detta kan inte fixa spelet, men det bör bidra med programmet “world builder”.
i just got the game cant luach it a go suggested i share the log but i need to go to the turbulenz map and boundless and all that but i dwnt have the freaking map wtf
C:\Users\{Your login name}\AppData\Local\Turbulenz\Boundless has the log file. If there’s no log file, it just plain didn’t start up or something along those lines. There might be entries in the Event Viewer about it as well if it didn’t start.
Catch your breath and try again.
The team is on holiday break, no need to summon all of them for a simple launching issue. James is often pretty good at handling these things himself, or summoning in the best developer for the job.
We don’t want to put the entire team’s development on hold to fix every small issue anybody has, do we? I assure you- somebody will be by to help at their earliest convenience. Till then sit tight, or maybe a member of the community can help you solve this?
I took it upon myself to remove the @ mention of the rest of the studio to save them from the need to reply- if any of them are better suited to help you than james, he will call for them.
Have a great holiday weekend, everybody!
the same i had say but he still ignore it
if run-times inbstall still not help pls post your log file here, so the dev`s can help u better.
i know you sad it i got to the location where the map should be but i dont have eny tubulenz map
omg guys thank you all it works now a biyt laggy cas ma laptop aint good but i can play pmg thacks to all that wanted to help
I have no idea what you mean with map but there is none.