@Awesie ‘s church of PIE In city of Autumn on Angel (1844N, 1942E, ALT 64) . Portals are available from TNT Angel and PS Angel hub Both labeled Autumn.
I am not a big fan of pushing my own stuff, but here we go
It has some nice chiseling going on:
[Beckon] -1.020N - 635E - alt 71 → Beckon Lumber Windmill
or perhaps our Storage facilities
[Beckon] 950N - 713E - alt 80.
@anon34275467The Raxian Sanctuary if it has not yet been mentioned. Their planetarium is probably my most favorite part, but the whole city is absolutely amazing!
first of all big thanks for mentioning my stuff
and here’s some more that might fall into the category (some commissions I did)
Sheila the goat statue (for @DeViLiShBeCkS, TNT megahub)
Realize I left out a real good one yesterday - Endor on Antar IV. 544, -1654 but really spread out, make sure to cross the water to the south from there. I’d recommend hitting this one at night - REALLY great usage of lighting!