So us PC users, a lot of us started modding etc for better or worse ofc… but we have a color issue ( and so do PS users writing colours in another language than their client is set to )… maybe this is old knowledge… and I have just been under a rock… ( quite possible, as I mostly live in a cave… (on Arie))
Any client PC or PS, of X language, if you type the :#red: of that specific language, will be translated into a universal hex string.
So for example a German Client user types :#red: it will not be translated into a universal color hex string. An English Client will see everything as red etc, but a French client not see it as a “red color”… It affects chat, signs and I guess beacon / settlement names, only played around with the chat / signs.
Now the part with us modders…
I am still digging in what,where etc etc. Not sure where the most popular used itemcolorstring.dat is sourced from, but a fair few now writes their signs as :#red78#: aka color + id, which then works… for PC users with the same modded file, but not for everyone else, as that red78 was never translated into a universal hex string, meaning it doesn’t export well to non-modded.
Nonie the pup talked about some screwery with the colors months ago, then yesterday had this view in the text… yeah okay sure… time to dig into the color strings
I remember the times i was playing my game in german language on ps4. Yep those red or rot wouldnt work. One of them would even appear as blue i dont recommend using words at all. Html color codes or hex codes are better and should appear for everyone the same way. No matter which language or platform.
Perhaps it would incent some people to point out that using hex gives them access to colors and shades that aren’t available in the boundless (255 color) palette
I guess in the long term a technical fix without introducing any server-side work would just be to have the client parser convert to a hex value from the color name/number, (much easier since it knows what the local language is) before it sends the data.
That way everyone would receive in a standard format and most of the problems regarding this would be handled. Handling it at the receiving end would be a nightmare since, for example, my client would have to try and guess your local language, or else search a list of every valid color name in every supported language each time it renders something you’ve colored.
Which is maybe doable for chat when someone is standing idle using the chat window, but I guess could be a nightmare standing in a place like a mall with a bunch of various signs as well as conversation around you.
OFC from the dev end the easiest ‘fix’ is to probably just drop support for names and make it all hex only
Well, this is the problem. You can use them in any supported language, and you will see it and so will people who have your same language set on the game. But not anyone else.
Apparently the game just sends the raw text you stored and the client renders it. So say you speak french and set your chat text (or a sign color) to ‘vert’ and talk to me, well my client is using english for the default and in english that isn’t a valid color name. So I won’t see your color, and depending on the context I might see something like this - :vert:some text
So the thing that most people do naturally want to do, which is just type in a color name in the language they’re using, is sort of ‘partly supported’.
Yep yep I actually got gleam club again so I could do signs. But since I have it I redid my cosmetics for the first time in years
ah ok, now i see where the problem is, there are no color codenames for different supported languages in other supported languages versions right?
so im using EU version of game should see colors used by german or french users but i cant
so this is the prob DEVs should work on - implement color codenames from each supported languages to every one language version of game, it should solve the issue
Mostly caused by using the names of colors that isn’t in your current set language, that causes the entered name to not be converted into a hex ( which honestly is just the color number in hex , red = 78, will be written as #4e once you close the sign menu and open it again )
And for itemcolorstring modded users, to get the tint ID shown in tooltip, also appear to not have a name rewritten to a hex code.