Hey Circarpous Residents

Sorry, but this cracked me up - I’ve used these hunt platforms but idk why I had always assumed they were on some kind of support, not just flying saucer platforms. :joy:

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Give me a break with this eyesore stuff, this is an open world game where people are allowed to build what ever makes them happy dispite the opions of some. Acting like you deserve consideration because you have been here longer or are more active. No one owes you a thing, How about instead of thinking people should get your permission to build on land you don’t own try just being a good neighbor and let people do what they want to do in this game.

At this point with the community so small if you really, honestly dislike things like slides. Platforms or any type of build and it takes away from the game for you, If this really upsets you then I’m sorry to say you should just quit. Some of you are in for a rude awakening. How many things will people here claim as eyesores when the community grows by 100, 500 or 1000 people?

If you want all the space in the world, have no close neighbors and not have an eyesore then either push for rentable planets or go play Minecraft. An open world sand box game isn’t for you.

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I see the elitism just the opposite as you do. For example…We MUST have a splotch in ALL 50 regions and it MUST be located in the center (to hell with whoever already has a base there).

I see both sides, and I appreciate that the hunts bring players together to have fun. However, basic consideration for neighbors should always be considered.

I doubt many of these players who have littered the sky with these floating splotches would go find player bases in the middle of the planet and build little boxes right next door to (although honestly, that would probably look better).


Never tell someone to do this. the community is small enough as it is.


Wow, that came out of nowhere.

I’m sorry to say you need to take a breather. We’re running out of players. And I’m not even addressing how incredibly disrespectful the rest of your comment was. This community is great because it’s typically peaceful, please keep it that way.


I don’t want people to quit, but if I also don’t think anyone should play a game that upsets them. The fact this community is so small is the point, if these small thing actually upsets you now how will you react when the community gets larger. If you’re not happy now your definitely won’t be when this game grows.

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Please don’t attack people on the forums like this. It doesn’t matter why. it’s inappropriate and it’s against our community code of conduct.


I think a minority just want to inflame the situation but maybe the thread could be more constructive and back on point.
Circa is a great planet with some wonderful residents building great things.


I’m sure we may see this shortly…


ORRIAN!!! Everyone run!!!

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Platforms dont upset me. Its the current trend. Soon all planets that spawn meteors will have atleast 5 different platforms per region until that style of hunting is nerfed. Lock it up! NERF PLATFORM HUNTING. :laughing:

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I…hate…you! :unamused::tired_face::sleepy::sob::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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let’s all just drop it. The residents of the planet have expressed their thoughts.

If the builders of the floating saucers want to consider the resident’s concerns that would be fantastic.

If they do not want to consider the resident’s concerns then so be it.
Life goes on.


Way to throw a wrench in the machine, now you’re bringing oort nerfing into the equation? Hello garbage fire :joy: hahah jk :heart:


You can still get oort. Use your feet!

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I sit on my butt to explore a virtual world…


Oort can only be obtained on exo planets…incoming Orrian nerf!

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For sure, I love exploring. I usually solo hunt actually, but the platforms are too tempting sometimes when I need a quick cash infusion.

But we’ve now officially derailed this thread 80 different ways, sooo. Lol

I run hunts when i can. I only use the platforms. Saves time and my grapples. :star_struck:

I’m sorry to say you need to not assume my tone from written text. It’s your prerogative to feel that I’m being disrespectful but I’m not. You’re telling me I’m wrong in saying that if you are finding problems with what people are building as of now when the community is small that if it’s grows you won’t be constantly upset. Just the addition of 100 new active players changes the dynamic of this game.

Now are you gonna tell me that playing a game that constantly upsets us a good thing? I tend to stay away. I wasn’t giving a demand, nor do I want people to quit, what I’m I’m simply suggesting is If you actually believe what others build hinders your gameplay this might not be the game for you…