Hey Circarpous Residents

Yes the platforms are for hunts. Only purpose they serve. And there seems to be a lot of hunters lately. So they get used a good amount on the daily.

But expansion is subjective. So you have 4 plots to one side of you that you can’t plot in. You have 3 othersides let alone if I was near one of those platforms I’d probably just make a yard there have my own plots surrounding it and make bushes and trees etc. vila style.

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Sure i know they are for hunters but they are really poorly “dropped” to planets… like no one even bothered looking is there a player settlement nearby.

Yes i do know you use those daily and those prolly are most use thing currently… but that doesnt justify you to drop them how you like.

To be added to that ye that prolly shuts only 1 way to expand for settlement/ house or so … this is why this is really controversial cause there is ways you can expand and that doesnt mean you are doing anything wrong.

Main point here is that those platforms should have been more carefully placed … not just dumping them first region border you find


They not you. As you implies me and I have no affiliation with the owners nor do I own any platforms. Also I dont usually hunt so I don’t use them really.

But again region triggers so a settlement there or not doesn’t change that’s where the region triggers. And this is an MMO to expect to never have anyone plot near you or next to you is really not something to be doing in this game unless you plot a buffer around you. This is nothing new. Been like that since before launch.

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Dont care whos those are…
But they shouldve placed them woth more thought behind it.

Sry if i said those were yours


It’s not even the border of the region. The trigger is closer if not directly in the middle of the region. No getting around that. And they do it in all 50 regions as far as I know

Also an “easy” way around this is ask the person you are plotting next to if they don’t mind plotting up to the air so there can be a platform built. That way the settlement gets the ff and can build on the ground still. Just use the advanced locks on the portal etc up top so they can fuel it after the platform has been built so they don’t have access to things down bellow.

Of course most of the platforms I’ve seen are not right on top of someone more like plots away like 15-20. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some directly next to someone

Also if this game was as populated as most of us would like this wouldn’t even be a main topic. The main topic would be there’s no where I can plot and be alone without a huge buffer. What people find attractive is subjective. Also trying to play an mmo solo and only having a solo mindset makes it harder to be happy in this game. Cause yourself more stress than what it’s worth.


so you know for a fact they just dumped them there and didn’t consider anything else? Because you don’t like placement that automatically makes it dumped and without consideration?

Elitism is sure starting to pop it’s head in this game.

No im not anyways “Elite” of this game and my goal is not that.

This is a forum where you can share your own opinions about something. Im not saying most of people would agree with me… this is just how i feel…

And no i do not know were those just dumped but as i have seen those it sure looks like it in some locations.


I’m still trying to find out why they are up in the sky and not on the ground. What’s the advantage of having them in the sky?

Prolly cause you can see meteors better.


Not saying you’re an elitist, but I do think some parts of what you said and others do have a sense of elitism in them. Making assumptions about the intentions behind someone’s build however it’s built and where. Then making a determination that they should be moved because you and few others don’t like their placement whether it’s just an opinion or not kind has a stain of elitism in there.

What buugi said plus it’s easier to jump towards it and possibly grapple any trees or rock formations in the area to swing around like Spider-Man.

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Ok so we roll like that. Ok.
I can start from now on not giving a damn about someone else builds…
See how that goes

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It is all in good fun and brings activity to boundless especially for the hunters in this game. That doesn’t mean people who play this game for the esthetic side have to appreciate a blob in the sky.

I forgot how many regions there are on a planet and how big one planet is but I believe it is still big enough for players to considerate one and other. Also we have mailboxes, forum, discord…all these channels to communicate. Why not first communicate if it is alright?


You shouldn’t give a damn about others builds. If a person puts time and energy into building something and they aren’t purposely trying to grief someone no one in this community has the right to dictate the legitimacy of their build. Only the devs have that privilege. If people want clear skylines and always have an unobstructed view maybe an open world sand box game isn’t the right game for them.


You’re absolutely right when you say you don’t need to appreciate what others build but you also don’t have to look at it. Honestly who’s out there just constantly staring into the sky or into a distance and finding this an actual problem?

Name me one thing in boundless for those who play on ps4 that actually looks good from a distance? It has nothing to do with being considerate either. It’s none sense to think people should actively seek out and ask people if it’s ok to build there because they might feel like seeing something in a distance hinders their gameplay. You’re the person who should go and talk to them not the other way around. If you want to protect what ever you want to protect it’s your responsibility to take action.


Using these on the hunts is literally the most social thing I do in game. I’ve met friends on these hunts and I feel part of the group… So I have to strongly disagree that these are unsocial


I’ll leave this with you…


Things like this happen and then players wonder why other players want rented planets? When a group of players can literally place a build in every region, in the sky where it is always visible and may or may not affect expansion plans, of course players want to be able to build someplace where they do not have to deal with this kind of thing.


Have you spoke to the person who’s building? Not saying it’ll resolve anything but you never know. The time my old base coincided with anothers (they were expanding not me) they came and found me and explained and we came to an agreement.
They may not realise that you have a problem with it otherwise. Perhaps it won’t help at all, but I’ve found that most of this community are awesomely cooperative

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I agree the platforms are a horriable eyesore. Thats why I am trying to make something pleasant to see. The balloons and not too far off the ground. People should put more thought into the surrounding neighbors when building them.