Hey Circarpous Residents

Sure I’ll hop on :slight_smile:

kk meet you at the mall

Neptune is gone (;.:wink:

Started the move over to Circarpous and have started building an underground temple complex. Would be good to join a guild when advanced enough as bit tired of playing alone.

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Dear fellow Circarpousians and visitors. May I ask how many hunting platforms need to be built all over the planet? It seems the platforms pretty much doubled around our area, some of them awfully close to our builds which in return can’t be expanded because someone built a platform “above” our base, (even two next to our neighbour!!).
Seriously, how many do you need, why do they have to be so close to other people’s base? Bad enough they kill the view, some of them now are 3x the size of the standard ones, which are - probably due to the distance in height - just displayed as massive cubes/blops above everyone’s bases. One actually prevented me today from porting to an Exoplanet because it was hiding behind it, by the time I walked enough to be able to point at the exoplanet behind the hunting platform it was gone.

Sorry, those platforms are just very unsocial, at least try to move them away from other people’s bases! You might not have your builds on this planet but that doesn’t mean you have to spoil other people’s gameplay which actually do mainly build/live on this planet.

Very frustrating…


I have been toying with the idea of making a huge dome all around my little town. Shame I can’t see the sky but it beats the view on all these platforms, slides whatever…

I am sorry for you


We made a Dome out of 40k glad on gyosha! Can see the sky clearly!

yeah I know…the point is to not see the skeletons in the sky :joy:


Maybe claim the adjacent plots that face your town and build solid walls up to the platform to simulate a tower! At least you wouldn’t have the floating blobs :]


Sounds like we need cloaking device! :wink:

Platforms need warp conduits mixed in so they look like stars in the sky…

Instead, it looks like a massive Simon Invasion on most high tier planets.


Sorry to be harsh but saying you couldn’t port to the exo because of a platform is an extremely weak argument. Planet didn’t disappear you just had to wait a little longer, it’s a minor inconvenience at best.

The majority of those new platforms that are being built aren’t being added, they are replacements and the old ones will go.

As far as you saying these platforms aren’t sociable, myself and the countless others that use them on a daily basis would beg to differ.


Im with you on this.
Maybe moving them middle of big lakes or so

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They are positioned where they are because of the region trigger. If the region triggered in any part of it then they could be in different places. But that would also mean the the way atlases get filled would have to follow the same thing. Not that it would be a bad thing but it would have to be changed by the devs.

I know how they work.

I bet there is multiple locations that are on lakes or so.

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But all the regions have platforms. So yes sure some may be on lakes but not all of them are going to be like that. Plus there’s people like to build on lakes.

To me the solution would be the way the region trigger is to be adjusted.

another possible solution would be basic courtesy…like maybe if someone has an already existing base on the ground don’t put one where they can not expand


Of course than you don’t have a platform in the region as it would hit the trigger.

Also note I’m not affiliated with or own any of the platforms. Just putting out my observations. I honestly don’t agree with majority of the complaints on these forms. Like the slides and this one for instance

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I’m pretty much a part-timer so maybe I am missing something basic. Every single region must have a trigger why?

It seems like some get angry and probably with good reason if people build ground bases right next door where they cannot expand…but I guess if it is a platform for meteor hunters…than that is special and something different.

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