Looking through the folders of boundless I found one titled “timelimitedevents.json” (found at C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Boundless\discovery\assets\archetypes), that lists every event thus far.
Presumably the game uses this to know what to list what times to display the banners in game - at the bottom is an event called “HEAT_DEATH”, with a start an end time much larger then the others. Is this an easter egg refering to the heat death of the universe, or a potential future event?
Friday, January 1, 2100 12:00:00 PM to Saturday, January 1, 2101 12:00:00 PM are arbitrary. The presence of this heat death json entry means they are going to heat death the boundless universe in preparation for Boundless patch 2.0. The digits 248 in the epoch date mean that release 248 will be the last 1.0 release and with it will come the blueprinting system where you can blueprint your builds.
Universe will be wiped, Boundless 2.0 will be pushed, builds can be instantly rebuilt via blueprinting once the servers are up.
Currently at Dev-HQ:
James: Who the heck has forgotten to extract the concept files from the live version data …
We will again have to deal with the next round of forum discussion and guessing about new developments in the game
Leah, just make a nice story around it
We have not changed anything …
Eh, I think I’d prefer the Eternal Return or a Big Crunch to the Heat Death of the Boundless universe… reset beats complete oblivion! And if the Boundless universe is ballooning outwards, it follows then we will eventually have to pay more coin for warps. Drat.
… Maybe we (well, or descendants) can escape into another universe? Though perhaps before 2100, maybe virtual reality will have progressed far enough where we can more or less upload our consciousnesses into the simulation, to some extent at least… so maybe a few of us still around. Hmm.