getting in there before the shrinkage
despite what will be the game equivalent of having a cold shower in the middle of winter, still quite looking forward to this update, if only because they are quite a rare event these days.
getting in there before the shrinkage
despite what will be the game equivalent of having a cold shower in the middle of winter, still quite looking forward to this update, if only because they are quite a rare event these days.
jaw-dropped down to mantle
Finally made it but feels a little insignificant after @catfud post above lol
Wow! Congrats!
How does anyone have this kind of time? I started just before official release and wow… I’m almost 10% of that level
Catfud - Jun, 2019:
Catfud - Feb, 2021:
Now THAT’s grinding
What’s his method?..
From the end of 2019 I have had to stay home a lot more (got some pre-covid lockdown training) so boundless has been a nice escape (plus mining while on on my exercise bike is a good combo for me).
yes, could have learnt a second language or studied something else useful but that sounded far too productive.
so, many months of mining, crafting (coils) and a bit of building.
Recently have been able to start having long walks and have always read a fair bit so despite all appearances I am not exclusively dedicated to boundless . But mostly.
Super Excited Hit This as of yesterday Mining on [Captain America's 🎁] --[T7 - Savage Blink Exoworld]-- [Inactive]. What great way to reach this milestone
This is me I’ve had such an interesting last 2 years Kidney failure, COVID lockdown, stomach failure, and coming up being nurse to my hubs as he becomes part robot (titanium and rubber band ankle replacement this year than other in 2023)
I take this back, the chances will always be there for you, because this ded gem will never get the update muahahaha
It will come… when it’s least expected. Then we can fuel portals for longer.
I Hit Lvl 1000 James-chan @james these how much me Love Boundless Boop me just being annoying Mwahahaha
Innnncredible! Level 1000+
Just found my LvL = 22
I’ve been playing for almost 3 years and haven’t even hit level 400 yet lmso