How boundless gets more players?

Quite a few people stream it.
The link that was posted shows a lot of streamers doing it. :slight_smile:


Thereā€™s a few people who stream, sure - a good number relative to the small playerbase. More streamers is always good though!

It would help if boundless had more streamworthy things. Boss monsters that are actually difficult, for one. Dungeons. Improve the healer and rank roles. Fewer meteor mobs but ones that are actually tanky - and have enemies take different roles like tank/healer/dps/bard. Maybe add a side roll move with double tap jump (like many games) which along with lances and shields could make combat more interesting. PvP planets.


I do agree with this. it is hardly exciting to watch someone harvest fields or mine rock for the hours it takes to get resources or queue up a workshop full of machines to craft. But this is the reality of the game. It is not all hunting and building.


Iā€™m not a big YouTube person but Iā€™ve had difficulty finding more then just Jiivita using the YouTube search to find boundless vids.

This probably falls under Square Ennix envelope, but perhaps if there was an official Boundless channel that streamers could link or post their boundless videos, it may help promote and get more exposure and followers for everyone.

I do think I recall a Forum post from square ennix looking for streamers for boundlessā€¦ a single random point in timeā€¦ a lonnnngggg time ago. Then they went back to silence and obscurity. Did anything happen with that? I canā€™t seem to find the post anymore.

Iā€™ve also notice that there have been huge sales on PS4 for the last few months and a lot of repeat sales of many, many games from all types of studios, big name, small name, indie studiosā€¦ etcā€¦ Iā€™ve even seen something specifically from Square Ennix with a package of some of the games that they promote. Which makes me think the lack of sales on PS4 is something entirely different then Sony deterring multiple sales. Sony seems to do a very good job at having lots of sales and repeat sales, and heavily promoting them. Theyā€™ve taken my coin quite a few times in the last few months with some sales I couldnā€™t refuse on games I wasnā€™t really looking to buy.

In reality it doesnā€™t really matter to me overall, Iā€™ll continue to play regardless. Just seems like a very good opportunity to promote and sell more copies that got missed.


I love the ideas and effort and am sure Wonderstruck appreciates the players doing marketing and PR for them, but there is only so much a small player base can do. I optimistically hope that the gameā€™s development will arrive at a point where Square and or Wonderstruck will feel comfortable enough to do their jobs and do the necessary things that only they can do to make a significant increase in players a reality. I think the underlying point is perfectly illustrated by the increase in players during the Humble Bundle. And no, I am not saying players should stop trying.


Itā€™s funny I had the same question how to get more players so I bought for a friend of mine the game .I must say it is a bit the pricey side

I would stream myself if I didnā€™t have have a glitch first because of major like in internet speed. Still having lots of fun


@Leahlemoncakes is there an official YouTube channel?


No is not yet too much lag on my internet speed

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We do have one yes :blush:

Boundless Youtube


If you build it. They will come.
Create things so amazing that it compels great builders from lesser voxelšŸ˜‚ games to ask. WHAT IS THAT! Post on social media tagging those said more lesser but popular games. When people askā€¦ And they will. Inform them of the glory that is BOUNDLESS.


Could we maybe make a contest of some kind? Have people submit ā€œexploring boundlessā€ videos and then repost the top submissions on the official channel? Just thinking of ways to populate the official YT


Nice idea! @DKPuncherello

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Currently the top viewed YouTube on boundless with 35k views is a negative review from someone who didnā€™t get past single target stone tools :weary:

Ovis has 10k views on his ā€œ8 reasons to play boundlessā€ vid tho! Visit and thumbs up!


Perhaps the crosspost club can put that video up on reddit and Twitter etc to get views for that video on those platforms too. That was a good video :ok_hand:


Tweeted! :smiley: I noted too that this is from Oct. '18 and while this all still holds there is even more now! :slight_smile:


ā€¦ @Ovis wondering if might be time for an updated one, that would be awesome! :smile:


That is a shame, but he did give it an 8/10, or did I watch the wrong video?

The most significant observation I made is that the person with 35k views has around 1 Million subscribers. He amassed 35k views with his Boundless video in 1 year. He has other videos on his page that are a day or two old and have already topped 50k views. Obviously, Boundless is a niche game that few know or care about. That tells me that it is going to be nearly impossible to grow this game organically in any significant way. By significant, I mean adding thousands and thousands of players. That is going to have to come from the developer and or distributor level doing the work that only they can do. Again, no, not saying people should not try.

On the bright side, and it is sad to say - - - - -if only 300 players were added, which is really nothing, it would almost double the current player base. That seems doable.


Make an action-packed video of 15 - 30 seconds

dedicate a very large budget and high bid.

target high subscriber channels.

run a display ad at the beginning of Minecraft, and or NMS YouTube videos.

Bingo, more players arrive at the game in a few days than all the playerā€™s efforts can provide in 1 year. Of course, the developers have to be ready for such a massive influx and they might not be.


Marketing? Iā€™m usually not a huge fanā€¦ but I would like to see a little done for this game. I had my mind blown this week when I asked a friend of mine who works for Square about Boundless. He had never even heard of the game. Granted itā€™s Square in Japan, and they have different games but I guess I expected him to know of it at least.


Sounds like the game is a high priority for Square.
In all seriousness, maybe not that surprising since they are a large company.