I have an idea how Boundless might get more players.
If the developers launched Prime Loot on Twitch (for cosmetic items, for example), the game would get more attention. So maybe new players would discover Boundless.
Yep, some of the people in this thread do, I think Spitcup and Sirdad I see notifications for most days, a number of others do so occasionally - Boundless Streams Thread
A free weekend with some $$ streamer that play all the week. (maybe a cute girl too)
In the same week 50% discount on the game and maybe something like 4 pack.
Twitch drops and maybe steam cards.
An interesting update to push to the public in that week.
A build contest and in game event.
Rewards to returning and new players like daily log in bonus.
how about doing an xb1 version and getting them into the game,? especially since they have game pass, unless of course the dealings with SE forbids that.
PixelatedTwix post YouTube videos pretty regularly, and survivermer has also started doing uploading videos and streaming boundless again, there’s also tcork on YouTube and a few others and jiivita hasn’t uploaded something in some time, apart from the Gleambow event.