How can I lose prestige?

Well on the flip side, you have quite the amount of prestige built up so can’t be all bad haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haha yeah it’s not that I’m like ooh no!!! I dont mind since I can just fil the 50k within a few minutes it’s not that, but it would be nice to know what happened u know, 10x 50k is also 500k and then I start feeling it

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The Prestige is a nonlinear system. Blocks are not scored individually. All blocks will alter the histograms for block prestige, chiselling, foreign colour, and building density. It’s possible that when a beacon gets this prestigious that a single alteration, that subtly changes the histograms, could result in a much more significant total prestige change.

After all we’re only talking about a 0.1% change of prestige.

I don’t think anything special is going on here - just a reflection that little alterations can make large absolute but tiny relative changes.


It would be interesting to know what happened. Run a few experiments.


Maybe if you try to change some of that Gold filigree back to the copper it was before to see if it changes a lot?

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Yeah I wil have a full scan and do some testing also @PrincessMaude I wanted to but since I build on a very large scale it wil take me hours to just do that all with al the things I have going on but good idea I might do that after a while

Maybe not change the whole 4SS, go for a portion of it to see how it influences the whole prestige

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I will do that within a few hrs

Histogram experimentation, lol. Sounds like a puzzle game! Is this boundless version kal-toh? Best way to approach this puzzle problem, is will machine learning to generate a good algorithm for code synthesis. Once a enough data is established through a set of base line experiments. We can then plug in to a quantum computer to get the best combo!


This is really far fetched but could daytime effect on it?

Also prestige plants… if you got bunch of them and those died?

Lol host, didn’t you connect everyone on that planet? Maybe is got confused so much prestige and went fu** it im out. Lol

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No prestige plants haha and daytime nope I checked during day and night bud

Did a portal close by any chance? Open portals give more prestige…

At least if I remember correctly

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Mostly yes but this is just my own prestige but I thought the same…haha I cant have more

Not sure on that but no portals closed

I’ve found that chiseling can lower prestige sometimes. It’s a pretty wonky system. I bet it’s the chiseling.

Could it be because of the thrashing for using the same block type, and it calculated it after you built?

If I remember right, in the last prestige change, chiseling counts towards prestige. And having repetitive blocks and chiseling has a negative effect on your prestige amount. So perhaps when you chiseled something, it lowered the variety, therefore losing prestige? Doesn’t seem like you’d lose a whole 50k prestige from that though.

the prestige system will never allow you to lose prestige by “adding” a block (but the amount may be small/large/even 0 depending on the rest of the beacon contents). Removing a block of course, can lose you prestige. Order is not important, no matter what order the blocks are added in, the final prestige will be the same.

Chiselling a block is effectively a remove followed by an add, and the block you add back is not exactly the same (different shape) so its prestige contribution may be more or less than the block that was removed.

Prestige of a beacon is “effectively” synchronous, and there is no delayed system of updating/adjustments.

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I know this was changed to avoid the old “-1” confusion but adding/changing a block can still impact the prestige value of existing blocks, right?

HOST has some very large beacons, shifting the histogram a bit causing a one tenth of a point variance for a particular type or shape could be thousands of points at a time.