How did you make your millions?

Made an edit in the OP to clarify. I’m not trying to complain. Just curious of how others may have moved from gathering resources to investing their coin in some kind of market.

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I don’t think you’re complaining here, it seems to be a pretty straightforward request for some insight.

You probably don’t need some of the stuff I just posted :smirk:

Still, it’s the tone of a lot of conversation here. I didn’t mean to distract from the topic.


I sell half of what I hunt daily, including half of my Oort. Hit one million the other day then spent half on weapons lol


@Rosa spent half your Money Other day But think about how many bows you got and how Long you can hunt with them and how much you ll earn so its a very good Invest to get even more coins you already Had .

This is the Key for everything you Need to Invest to get more If you want to.

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Gather gold ore melt it in a furnace.
Smack it really hard with my hammer.
Tada coin… :joy:

To add to this the long way around… sell mats when i need coin but most of it is invested in my build and upkeep.
So im always carrying 0c.

I know mining and hunting are a good way to go to make good coin.
That said a good shop does the same. My exchange shop (i had in the first year) had an average worth of 2mill in mats (sellable) and coin.
Made a low profit on items (bought->sell) about 1coin per item. Not much but it did the trick and kept it running. (Excess coin went in to tool and needed mats [especially tools to terra form])

Ill probably never reach the millions (al that coin in my diaper) because i invest it most of the time back in to shops (owned and other) when i have the coin for it.

[edit] it was “easier” to make coin back then as it was worth more (sometimes way way way more)


I only have a couple million flex, but I have never actively tried to make coin. I made about 1.5 million from minting Spark when that was first introduced to the game - as it was unintentionally minting for 28c per Spark, instead of the (I assume) intended 2.8c per Spark.

I still have about 1.9 million coin, only spend it forged tools, earn the rest back from coffers :+1:

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Try hiring people to mine gems where you provide the hammers for a % of profit

The other good way to make fast coin is when new content drops.


I completely agree! Love hunting! I am not great at forging yet. But happy with how my game is going. Also I did make 1 million in a day! Not too bad lol…


If you’re looking to try and find profit in crafting, I recommend checking out this tool once BUTT is back up. It is good at getting an eyeball on the value of the crafted item vs the components. There are things I won’t craft, and just sell raw because the value goes down when crafted.


Made my first few millions when I started the game through selling rough oort/creature loot… but then again, I was participating in 5-7 hunts every day for like a month straight. Pulled in and sold 1k+ rough oort a day. Used that money to get myself set up with a workshop buying mint/machine coils, learned to forge and expanded my business to sell a variety of stuff, so I can hunt less and invest less time i guess. Playtime has been going steadily down since the initial ‘new game interest’ died down.


my first millions i earned by beacon hunting back in the old days xD


I only recently made my first million and that’s only because footfall at my shop is a steady flow. I’m a casual player. I’ve never been one to be broke, and only recently have had a surplus due to footfall.
Heck, I tend to give coin away to new players to make their time in boundless a little easier.


Oh the joys of beacon hunting :slightly_smiling_face:


T3 hunt will earn more oort than a higher tier, and some trophies (including hopper cores) - if you have enough people at the hunt.


Oh how I miss beacon hunts


T5-6 hunts in large groups are best bet for lots of coin, if you can get past the annoying seeds. High tier are best planet to get the most drops of trophies/mantles ect and can still average around 200-220 oort.

Them damn seeds though.

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Since launch I always had a shop in the most highly visited city or mall. I sold whatever I focused on grinding. I grew tired of 6 hour mining sessions and focused on exo materials instead, mainly huge quantities of goo. Goo alone made me 10+ million. The rest was made on shreds, kernels, gleam and various rare colors of materials, before the sovereigns.

Id say the most important tip id choose to give, to become a millionaire, is to have a shop in a busy area, with at least a couple items for sale, which are restocked constantly.

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T3 hunts should average anywhere from 350- 600 oort per 2 hour hunt. So if you don’t have a portal hub to upkeep that’s a lot of money for very little work.


take tiny bites and stop when it becomes unpleasant to lower resistance to further learning sessions :smiley:

i may have hit 1mil once for a moment before buying oort; beans, lamella, and leafs prices hav been ■■■■ lately and since that was my main income stuff is sucking; glad to get some ideas for moving on and/or diversifying from gathering reinforced by this thread—esp the minter b/c I have. ton of unsellable stuff to put in it. ’

also if the rona ever goes away i won’t be adding to my 9750h of play as fast anymore thus less coin via how I’ve been doing it)


That’s how I earn my first 100k on Raxxa. I had a wonderful teacher @Bruno78 who led me around on a regular basis and showed me expired beacons to loot. Evidently he went out daily to find them.
Heck, where I first landed on Raxxa, there was a small house about 200m away that I never saw anyone there and with a smoking beacon. I checked it every day and eventually plotted and cleaned it out. Wrote down the the person’s name, but never saw them again.

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