How do you pronounce Sochaltin?

Is there any official way to say it? And if not, how do you say it?

I used to pronounce it as “So-shall-tin” but lately I’ve been trying to pronounce it as “So-chall-tin” because I feel like players more believe that’s the right way.


social tin

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Now that’s an interesting take. So-shul-tin… If that’s correct, that’s gonna be tough to get used to.


The ch pronounced like the Ch in Scottish loch.


I always pronounced it so-call-tin in my head.


For those who don’t speak English as their first language (if at all), it may be anything really :laughing:

I tend to do typical Polish H sound (as in hook), although I also like to produce K there (as in kale).
I imagine others might chose different sounds more natural for their phonetic system (for example like in English wordsshame or chime?)

How vowels are pronounced in Sochaltin (or any other world name) is also very interesting and can vary a lot. In sochaltin alone the middle and the last vowel especially can differ a lot, depending on a speaker. The a in the middle might sound like English all or pal, while the i might be pronounced as in tin, bird or even teen.

Since names of worlds are not of any known language, even a native English speaker has a few viable options anyway. Potahto/Potayto kinda situation. :grin:
The names cough out by the generator can sometime be actual words on one of human languages, and then it’s a simple choice - we just know how to say it.

It would be so revealing if we could all meet in RL and start talking about Boundless worlds. That would be as funny as it would be confusing. :rofl:

For your amusement I give you this old thread:


Nah, I’d say that’s perfectly on topic. I really wish there was some official pronunciation for all the planet names because no matter how I pronounce Sochaltin, I feel dumb haha. There’s just too many ways it could be said. So-shal-tin, So-chal-tin, sock-al-tin, so-kal-tin, so-shal-teen, the list goes on. So-shall-tin personally rolls off the tongue way better, but I know people will think it’s weird if I keep saying it that way, so I was hoping for a sort of poll to figure out… Wait

How do you pronounce Sochaltin
  • So-shall-tin
  • So-chall-tin
  • So-kal-tin
  • So-shall-teen
  • So-chall-teen
  • So-kal-teen
  • So-shul-tin
  • So-shul-teen
  • Another way
0 voters

Im confused over those options lol. Just imagine a german saying it in the most german way, thats how i pronounce SoCHAltin. :sweat_smile:

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Or so-Gal-tin, with a hard Dutch G. But I would call it social-tin.

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I just call it So Cal … just easier plus I was born in So Cal …so there ya go.


How does google, siri, or alexa say it? lol

(Just to throw another one into the mix :joy:)

I’ll go back to hibernating now


Even the way we describe how we say it is confusing haha…need a linguistics expert in here to give us the international descriptions of sounds. Like is “kal” describing the a sound in cat or the a sound in car? I voted so-kal-tin but only if it’s kal like car. LOL

Apparently the IPA version of mine is

soʊ kɔl tɪn

Yeah pretty much like google translate says it, if you click on the little speaker ^^

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Same. Was starting to think I was the only one saying it this way lol.


All of these votes for so many different sayings has showed me one thing. I can pronounce it whichever way since almost everyone pronounces it a completely different way from eachother LOL


Born and raised in south OC… now I’m in Temecula Wine Country.

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So-Charl-tin that’s what I was told to say for so long :joy:

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Yeah pretty much that one! Just a bit less of the o and tiny bit less of al. I highlight the tin like in teen

My dutch g stil sounds like ch and not like the dutch g. :joy: i still hear theres a difference :eyes:

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