Not true! If they are at the worlds edge, they must be on chunk boundaries, and Oortian scientists have proven time and again that water does not voluntarily cross chunk lines
visually there will be some delay from re-meshing, but simulation/game-play wise there is no such hesitance
He’s a Flat Earther, grab your pitch forks people, get him
It has been foretold that the world would be flat, and it is as so.
This is still one of my favorite threads on the forum. The many layers of misunderstanding yet trying to explain how the worlds are were perfect.
I really want to make a beacon that wraps around a world, like a sky road. I started to in Early Access but a glitch prevented me from plotting anymore.
Wow this was a super interesting read!
I bow before the vast knowledge of the universe creator developers as I consider the duality of my existence, pondering whether I have been demi-meta created by their word-of-code. I am an infinite loop.
Torus or not, i’m just gonna call it magic. The devs are wizards and i’m …an ingredient?
How much cubits would it cost to wrap around the world?
100 coins - you are at 1000N, 1000E - you build warp to 1000N, 999E or 999N, 1000E and you will have warped “around” a world (kinda, as you really just jump 1 block away haha - its just you could imagine you moved around; obviously logic of travel is such that you only need to take one step;
if you break this trip into 2 warps - from 0,0 lets say, to 1 block beyond half way and then to 0,0 (where you started), then (for cost of 200 coins) you will have moved around and arrived to the starting point
even then, you can argue that warping doesn’t really make you move in a linear dimension; it’s rather a jump - moving your consciousness from one point to another (and since consciousness always produces some kind of a “physical” body, it moves with it)
On no, wrap, plot around the world, anyone know how much it would cost based on how large the world size is ?
oh my, I read “warp” - silly me
4608 meters (blocks) - plots are 8 so it takes 576 plots around the world if you only put 1 plot wide and 1 plot tall line
Jesus that’s hugggggge, thank you
The Worldbuilder will happily generate any size world within some discrete limits so that the wrapping and chunk LOD works as expected.
The current worlds are roughly 4.6km by 4.6km. But they could easily be 8km, 32km, 100km, … But a part from taking longer to generate, larger to store, and more data to download - I’m not sure bigger worlds bring anything fun to the game. For me more worlds are more interesting than bigger worlds.
there is a fundamental error in the video there (1:03) that made me stop watching shortly after; but it’s a good brain exercise for amateurs (this trouble with transporters narrative)
still, I think 8km would be nice; a lot of worlds look very similar if it comes to biomes and colors. so we might well have some more of the same on any given world to do more travelling to completely different worlds and less to very similar worlds;
it would also help with how a larger population affects regeneration of specific resources (more chance of finding untouched/regenerated spot)
(Don’t tell @lucadeltodecso but) the thing I think would be most cool to explore is expanding the world builder to define and generate worlds using a broader set of colours per block type. Maybe using a limited range of colours could still fit into the current universe scheme, but just imagine a world that was able to use all 255 colours per block type!
I guess that’s our hint at the dev worlds…
Or a planet to be nicknamed vomiting unicorns…
Either way works for me
I would love to see an 8k world more as a hosted server, imagine the wonderful things people would do.
The player cap is still the relevant bottleneck in the equation.
Well, it’s better than a bunch of planets being giant Pepto Bismol ads like they are today