This update is accessible via the Steam Beta “Testing” release of Boundless.
Today, we’re releasing the World Wrapping support in Boundless. This means that all 4 corners of Boundless world has been tied in one central location to produce edge-less world. The debug lines below shows how the corners of the world have been stitched up. If you encounter any bugs in the worlds , please let us know through this forum.
World wrapping implemented! No more edge or ‘centre’ of a world, keep running east/west/north/south and you’ll get back to where you started, and apart from checking debug positions, there’s no way of knowing ‘where’ the world wrap point is as everything is completely seamless with doors, machines, projectiles, lighting, world generation, lodding, everything working across the wrap borders seamlessly (And for purposes of extra testing the capital and portals are even straddling the world borders!)
Resolved Known Issues:
Door tiling is currently broken.
Known Issues:
The following items are known issues in this release.
Some of the items displayed in the inventory screen are not positioned correctly.
Some of the items are not positioned in the hand correctly when the players are seen in 3rd person view.
Z-fighting with some items (workbench and other machines) when placed underwater.
Some meshes missing from the game (machine crates, plinth, glue, etc).
Cannot ‘drop’ items from [Workbench Ingredients] and [Completed Items] lists.
Iron Fire Pit missing texture.
Stone Crucible missing the gradient-.
The recipes are not final.
Beacons and locks cannot be shared amongst friends as the friend’s token cannot be added to beacons.
the world builder has produced wrapping worlds for a long time now, it was the client/server that needed a lot of work to make use of the wrapping chunk data correctly.
I have encountered a very annoying bug, when you have a block equiped in quick selection menu and you pick up the same type of block, the block in the quick select menu disappears.
No kidding. But now that the wrapping is in place, I can start a larger project without fear of a wipe for at least a month. I think I will revisit the underground / mine theme again.
Drop allows bits of terrain under the given thickness/gradient (modulated by the nouise) to collapse to the ground below. The shrink then ‘shrinks’ the collapsed terrain (not so useful) modulating the thickness after dropping, then the max height gravel thing controls how far the terrain has to fall before being turned to gravel