How large are the Boundless worlds?

I see… Do I have the understanding for the most part, though?

Yeah. I edited my post.

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Ah… that’s really quite interesting actually. :o Thank you for bearing with me, heh.

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It’s no problem at all. Luca is responding so he’ll give a better answer.

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I noticed. I’m excited, hehe.

Okay a lot of confusion in here (how do you know I’m responding right now??? creepy…)

The world is not a torus, it is not a sphere. It is a flat square. Thats it.

For world generation, all of the noise functions (no matter how they combine or get manipulated and used) and everything works so that it “just so happens” that chunk (0,0) is exactly the same as chunk (worldSize, 0) which is exactly the same as chunk (worldSize, worldSize) which is exactly the same as chunk (0, worldSize) etc. (No horrible blending hacks or anything either to force things to wrap either which introduce obvious “edges” into the details of things)

For the game client/server, all positions are effectively modular arithmetic (internal implementation details aside) for x and z coordinates, so that when you walk across the world your position will at some point suddenly jump 4608m on the axis when you cross over the border, and all distance metrics etc etc all take this into account, and rendering takes it all into account, so that except for when you look at the literal numbers, there is absolutely no difference game-play wise or in terms of how the game is implemented at the higher level, and there is no “middle” of the world or “border” of the world, it is just a single continuously wrapping smooth space.

planets in the sky “look” like a sphere, but are actually hemi-spheres, and a funky uv-mapping maps the square planet textures onto the hemi-sphere in a convincing way.

any talk about toruses is down to toruse being “topologically equivalent” to the wrapping that is done, which is exactly the same wrapping as the aesteroids game yes (only that the camera moves with the ship ;p) but you cant say that it “is” a torus in normal terms, since that would imply you can go up from the inside and hit the other side of the inner ring, or that the inner parts of the ring are “compressed” compared to the outer edges etc…


In other words, I’m totally right, and you just admitted that I am the Toroid-king. Noted.

King out!

drops mic


This is just dang fascinating. I still don’t fully understand it, but you explained it probably as well as you could. Thank you!

So are the worlds 4096x4096? Or what @boundmore said and slightly more?

Depends on your interpretation… I would think of it as seeing an infinite bumpy plane 256m thick at the maximum with nothing underneath it (or infinite bedrock if you prefer) and nothing above it (or infinite sky if you prefer) and its not that it would have an “edge” where people suddenly teleport to the other side, but more that the world is just repeating… forever and ever and ever, again and again, seeing the same mountains and same cities, and the same creatures and the same players infinitely many times all moving in lock-step with one another from your point of view :wink:

4608m sorry, typo above. 288 chunks (the odd number is a result of requiring the worlds to be evenly sized at all lods (maximum lod is lod 4, where each chunk is 256m across) which means the worlds have to be multiples of 512m across, but we also have 3x3 tilings of textures for many blocks, which requires the worlds to be multiples of 3 in size as well, which requires them to be multiplies of 1536m across, but we also wanted a 1km draw distance which to prevent issues of trying to see the same chunk in multiple places at the same time, requires at least 2km size, so the minimum world size is then 3072m across going up in multiplies of 1536m, and so we chose 4608m as a “nice” size since 3072 seemed too small.


Oooh… so in a way… you’re saying you enter a new dimension every time you wrap around. :o Now we’re hitting Multiverse theory. I like this. Every time you physically wrap around the planet, you’re seeing repeated versions of the same things, but they’re not REALLY the same. Are they? I smell a conspiracy. >:)


No, they literally are the exact same thing, not clones, not copies, the exact same thing. Like modular arithmetic where say, you are working modulo 10, so there are still an infinite number of integers, but 0 “IS” 10, its not just the same thing as 10, it is literally another way of writing the same number, the way 0.99999999… is just “another way” of writing 1 in decimal notation, only that in modular arithmetic there are not just 2 ways of writing the same number, there are infinitely many ways. 0 is “the same number” as -10, which is “the same number” as 10, which is “the same number” as 20, which is “the same number” as 12412430…


It’s basic subtraction tracking. Like, you’re forever going to be in the center. You are conveyor-ing the stuff behind you into the front. So it’s not this:

Rather this:


I was joking, hah. :wink: Just having a little fun with this interesting concept.

Not true, the world definitely does not move around the players, the world is fixed and players absolutely do move. More like there are infinitely high portals that encompass the edges of the world, only these portals are far more impressive than the ones in-game as creatures and projectiles and water and “everything” moves through them without any difference in behaviour and even a single atom could exist with each quark and electron on the other sides of the portals, so that you cannot even tell where the portals “are” (* unless you cheat and look at your position xz values ;p)


See, now you’re confusing me. Because if the world is fixed … actually, I won’t confuse other people with my logic. I know what I mean, and I understand what you mean. I think we’re just talking in circles. Or toruses. Or spheres. Or multiversal plane sharing.


But do the planets revolve around their suns or the suns around their planets? I’m confused. /s


u r all confused - entire universe revolves around me


I think I sort of understand the basics of what is being discussed here…but it’s beginning to feel an awful lot like I should be questioning my reality and how that reality is perceived…and like…what even IS real…man?


Welcome to my world. Getting crispy then hopping into the forums. volume


This is luca’s last explanation :joy:

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