How many fully powered machines can fit on one spark generator setup?

Now that it’s easier to repair coils without accessing them, I’m on the hunt for the ideal machine room layout that houses as many machines as possible running off the one spark source.

If you have an optimal machine room layout, please share the details so I can get inspired.

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Not sure what the max is, I have 12 fully powered machines and 20 un-powered hooked to my single spark bank. All the un-powered could easily be powered though if I bothered buying / making the coils.

I think the limiting factor is the spark links, so the closer you get the hookup points for each machine together and closer to the spark bank the better.

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Does anyone know if the 100 spark limit is per side of the generator or overall for the generator

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Based on this post

it would appear you can run 600 links out of a single 16 generator bank… so with the right layout / no plot limits / watching chunk limits… im guessing the max is a shitload



Science is science! I totally agree with that amount seems quite accurate


I’m in the process of testing an ultra-compact machine setup, will let you know how it turns out. It’s just a sketch at the moment but I’m not sure it’ll end up being limited by some rule I overlooked.


Sounds good, look forward to seeing what you come up with

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u can add 100 spark cords many times to one generator. for exmple u can add 6 x100 cords each starting from different side of the single generator core. so thats quite a lot :wink: u just need to be sure that 2 different lines are not touching. and remember that u can make a cluster of 16 generators as one big. so this gives u way more connection points :slight_smile:


You can get 600 out of 1 generator from that post. So with a 16 generator bank depending on how you place them you can get thousands. With a quick count of a 16 set up in a bad formation you could have 4800 spark links sticking out from them.


Ah yeah, I see what you are saying… was just basing it on combined visible side on my layout, but yeah I think if the intent is to get as many as possible then some creative layout could expand it to semi-insane amounts.

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They can’t come out of two separate generator/faces adjacent or they will merge.

If you make a simple 4x4 you can only use 12 sides faces.

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Yeah, I was thinking if you lined 16 generators in a row, and alternated the sides the links came out of you could get 64 link lines from the sides… then possibly 2 from the far ends for 66 total. I haven’t played with it though, was just playing a mental game with ideas.

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All 16 generators have to be placed within a 4x4x4 cube.


gotcha, that limits it a bit then :wink:

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Mine are like this at the moment

Ignore the links sticking out the front, I was just playing with them.

Like this I think I could get 8 coming out of each side (if the other side wasn’t against the wall), and then maybe 8 more coming out the top / sides / bottom if possible.


Hmm yeah.

I’m not at a workshop at the moment and I was picturing the grid wrong. It looks like you can do 24. Always test lol.

I’m mining so a bit distracted but also I was thinking that it’s probably more accurate to say “you can only link 100 spark links together” rather than “100 per generator face” since if you make a loop between 2 faces, the entire loop has to be 100 or less.

You can set things up so that more than one generator attaches to the loop though. The 48 machines in my shop each have access to about 33m shared spark.


hehe, yeah I don’t really have the machines to test it… was more of a mental game to see what might be possible :blush:

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If you want to actually play I have … so many parts lol.

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lol… I just started crafting 16 new spark generators so I could mess around without taking apart my current workshop… but sadly I just got these messages.

So looks like messing around will have to wait for another time… again.

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Oh yea that’s right. Forgot about that. I didn’t do it I game so there’s that. And I use 1 generator per machine so there’s that too lol