How many plots are on an Exo planet and what does the % of resources pertain to exactly?

ie: if there are 200,000 plots on an Exo, and it spawns with 0.05% of a resource, that means there are 100 blocks of that resource?

I think I saw a dev once say that the % isn’t the exact amount of that resource of all blocks on that planet. I am curious what this means.

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I thought the % of a resource was a number based on how much of that resource had been harvested relative to other resources for that planet?

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Just wondering because the last Umbris planet spawned 2 weeks ago with 0.51% Umbris (still quite low) and this one showed up with 0.05%. 3400c + 9999c hammers and brews is a big gamble for such a small chance to locate some Umbris imo :woman_shrugging: Just kinda disappointed. Meh.


I could be wrong but those starting numbers may not be 100% reliable

Its a % based on the total resources on the planet. If you add all the resources % its equal to 100%. So its just the proportion of it between all the resources found on the planet.

I.e : 1 iron seam and 1 copper will equal to 50% on each in the resources tab (if its only the seam available on the planet)


Ok so the % of resources pertains to the total of all resources and the planet/size/number of blocks is basically not relevant?

I guess the exact # of resource blocks on a planet is proprietary and changes with each planet?

This is the way I’ve always interpreted it.

It’s a pretty simple bit of math to work out so I really dont see how it could be wrong. And you can see an atlas update every time you look at it as you are mining or gathering a specific resource too, so I’m fairly confident it’s an accurate number… but hey, I dont know for sure so I guess I could be wrong too.

It’s calculated based of the number of the blocks but its not shown. Like they will add all the different seams together then use the number of i.e iron to create the % for it.

Yes, the numbers of block is different per planet depending on the biomes created etc.

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This is why % are not really accurate since we do not know the total embedded resources or surface resources.

If you have a 0.5% of a certain resource, it will be way different if the total of all kind of resource are either 1000 or 1 000 000.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, 0.5% can mean very different end totals on different planets.

How does one tell if it is worth to mine or not? Anything under. .25% seems not worth it.

I would simply look for hotspots on the atlas, if you can find a hotspot that you deem is big enough and bright enough to be worthwhile then go for it. I think you’ll find a lower percentage planet will just have less of these ideal locations.


So I guess it could be the case that two planets could have resources as follows:

Planet A: 100 diamond blocks (50%), 100 gladeflowers (50%)
Planet B: 10,000 diamond blocks (10%), 90,000 gladeflowers (90%)

Since soil etc aren’t on the list, right?

Even on a .25% world there is a lot of umbris left over at the end. Really, people hit the hot spots where there are higher concentrations then move down the scale until it become too sporadic and quit mining.

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I think that the percentages are only meant to be for a quick glimpse into the available resources on a planet but can’t be used to truly tell you how worthwhile it is to mine that resource. That 0.05% could be 10000 umbris scattered randomly across the entire planet making it very difficult to mine or it could be 10000 umbris packed densely into one super super sweet hotspot of goodness. Obviously these are the 2 extreme possibilities and both very unlikely and it is most likely just indicating that few high umbris density biomes spawned when this planet was created.

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The logic is that but embedded resources (seams) and surface resources are calculated in different group.

And flower aren’t considered a surface resources so they do not show on the list.

Ok lets say I had said oort staff instead of gladeflowers - would this still apply?

Yeah just they are 2 different group. They won’t count % of diamond block toward oort staff %

Like you can see on the next screenshot. when you sum all embedded resources its equal to 100% then same for surface resources.

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Ok how about this?

Planet A: 100 diamond blocks (50%), 100 soft coal (50%)
Planet B: 10,000 diamond blocks (10%), 90,000 soft coal (90%)

Just trying to see if the overall abundance of resources affect things


Now you’re getting it.