How would backers feel about a ‘fan package’ for current players:

I’m just starting this based off a comment @FireAngelDth made a bit ago.

We can see where it goes as @james seems to have said we needed to gauge backer feelings on this. I don’t think a poll is warranted, a discussion should suffice I think.

How would early* backers of the game feel if current fan and members of the community had access to a neutered version of what backers got given to them on a unique basis?

Many of us would love to buy a package like that but we weren’t around at the time the game was seeking backing. It’s understandable if you guys (early backers) wanted all your perks kept as special things as you guys were here when it mattered but how would you feel about a trimmed down version of a few things you guys were able to invest in?

Personally I’d be open to buying 500-600$ worth of cubits in the future either way, but it’d be neat if there was a fan package we could get instead, something created for those of us who have become enamored with the game but weren’t able to back it as we weren’t here, or maybe for those who were around but just couldn’t back it like that at the time.

At any rate this is aimed at those folks who backed at an earlier time and might be off put by this idea.

Thanks for entertaining the discussion.


What would you put in it?

Edit: I’m not an early backer however I’m someone who may or may not be interested, depending on the content.

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I don’t want that discussion tbh, if it’s had I think it’d be for the folks who invested early on to come to a consensus what they feel is right or fair. What I want ultimately doesn’t matter.


To be honest I’ve been meaning to make a topic on the founder’s category asking for any key that’s at least a tier higher than mine.

I always wanted a slightly higher backer tier and was told by James that I would have the opportunity to upgrade if I wanted it before release… The problem was I took a break, then the game released, and I was unaware of the release when it happened and when I did start playing again it wasn’t the first thing on my mind, of course… I did try contacting James about it again but had no luck, figured they’ve been quite busy. :confused:

In any case, would really appreciate an opportunity to upgrade my tier, regardless of what form it took – and based on my previous experience of backer tier stuff, I don’t think I’d be upset if newer/non-pre-release players also had access to these packages, but can definitely see why some of the higher tier backers might not like the idea.

I would think an easy upgrade would be after purchasing $500 or $1000 in cubits players could get a modest plot upgrade, say 10%

I have mixed feelings. A lot of what we early backers invested in besides development support was stuff like reserved guild names and character names, plot bonuses, and unique tools like the wayfarer’s totem. Beyond that, the only real notable perk comes from the Oortian package with it’s privileged dev access. Most of these things are no longer viable for later backers- guild names are already chosen and characters are already made. Dev calls are not really feasible to the devs in larger quantities, so I would not offer that on a lesser tier package. That leaves the plot bonuses and unique equipment- and I think you would get a riot if you put those up for a “fan package”. I think a lot of people who bought the early packages did so purely because it was declared that these things would not be obtainable after launch. The plot bonus I think is fair… but would immediately raise “p2w” claims as a result.

I think the fairest thing to do (with regards to revenue generation) is to continue to offer seasonal shop items like we saw during the holidays. If you want to reward your loyal players who put thousands of hours into the game, then perhaps milestone coffers that grant more than just coin and cubits. Give players free outfits, item recipes, skins, etc. Like in the golden days of online play, items that reflect effort and mastery rather than financial investment.


Of course those p2w stuff on backer packages/deluxe edition has already been mentioned before so it wouldn’t really be something new. Not that I agree with anything in this game being p2w

I mostly want to be able to make Wayfarer Totems and get a plot bonus. Oh and an art book. But Havoks idea to reward dedicated players sounds good too.

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What would be the communities opinion on an item that was functionally identical to the wayfarers totem, but with a different appearance as a reward for a “Fan” package? Maybe grant it free to wayfarers+ but also be purchased with the new pack?


I’d be happy with a silver or gold totem myself.

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I’d be interested in anything honestly. Just something for current backers/players to show their appreciation and let people know they’re big supporters as well.


How to check if you were an early backer? I was playing the game pre launch for a long time. Not sure what perks you are referring to. I took a long break after progress burnout and server resets. Just got back into the game. Thanks

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My feeling is that some upgrade that would stack on all current founder packs would work. If its $500 for this fan pack give +25% plots to all. So whether you are a new player or not you get another 25%. I say then no one could complain.


If I were selfish I’d say, no thanks, I paid a lot of money and was here before the hype. But I feel where you are coming from in that you have fallen in love with this game and so I can empathize. My main motivation for supporting you though, is that this would mean more cash-flow for the developers, who deserve it. I would personally make it a $1000 minimum purchase that gave 100% cubit rewards and a status by your name and an ability to craft iron fists. That is all I would really support.


I’d love this… I wouldn’t care so much what I got, but I’d love to be able to show my appreciation and contribute this way, since I didn’t have a clue about Boundless until it popped up on the PS4 store one day!

Hard no on bringing back early backer-level packages.

Having additional packages besides what is offered on PS4 and Steam, sure. Just not similar to what early backer packages were.

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I think to be fair to the OG backers, if they were to offer a post-launch “backer” deal, it should be something new. What the OG people got should remain special to them.

As mentioned above, perhaps a wayfarer’s totem of a different type, a special decor trophy that can be displayed, a hat or other article of clothing, a t-shirt IRL, etc.

Personally, I would love a key to upgrade - so don’t get me wrong lol. I originally bookmarked their page, planned to think about backing the development & then forgot…now I’m kicking myself.


I don’t think that it is a good reason to use the “I wasn’t around aspect” to define this. Boundless was in EA on steam for plenty of time to allow any average players unless they were new to steam in mid-2018 the ability to buy and upgrade the game. Additionally, usually the fan idea was related to Gleam Club and that was the way to show appreciation.

But all things considered being one of the few people that paid for the top backer tier alone – I would be fine with a fan package only based on after seeing WHAT it entails and a full discussion on risks/benefits, etc.

I would feel that if anything was taken from any of the existing packages to put into a “fan package” then new bonuses would be required to be added to all existing packages to balance that benefit. Example - fans get 10% more plots, then all additional backers would get the additional bonus to their plot amount bases on the differences between each package. So Oortian’s would get 200% more based on that 10%, Masters 100% more, etc. If fans got items, then additional items would need to be added to each tier.

If things are not taken from the existing packages and are instead new, I would still want discussions and likely expect adjustments to our existing packages to balance the differences and benefits being created for others OR maybe the expectation would be that all backers would then get that additional component.

If we do things like Wayfarers then I expect an additional item. It is already bad enough that each tier did not get their own item and clothes.

Additionally if we decide to break the “rules” and what was “agreed” here and add things to the game that were agreed would never happen, then I would expect we have the right to break the rules in other areas - e.g. allow a wipe, or provide other content or major game changes that might change original game play designs, etc.

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I agreed with everything you were saying until you mentioned a wipe should be an ok thing to do if this happened.

Also note not all of us use steam. Therefore we would not have known about this soon enough


I guess I am misunderstanding this statement, but it sounds quite odd. :woman_shrugging: