How'd you discover Boundless?

Pretty much the same for me and the 20 others I’ve brought here lol. All YouTube’s upcoming games list.


Some of my friends invited me to play Boundless since they love to try new games and it sounded like a lot of fun to them. At first I was on the fence about buying it because I’d never played a building game, before, and they already had experience playing games like Minecraft (I didn’t want to noob up the place :worried: ). My friends eventually talked me into it, though, and I’ve been having fun playing Boundless ever since.


Do they still play? I’ve had this theory from pretty early on that when groups get the game together, usually only one sticks around for the long haul. My friends are super fickle when it comes to games that they claim to love.


They don’t, unfortunately. The friend that played the most was having difficulty dealing with something in real life back then, and can’t play Boundless at all, anymore, because it brings back memories of a time he’d rather forget. He was the first one to start playing, and was the one who named the settlement. Another friend got a new job, and no longer had time to play. The other two left because they were used to the convenience of crafting in MC, and found Boundless to be a bit too grindy.

I still fuel my friends’ beacons, although I don’t think they’ll be back. Before beacon boundary protection was a thing, I focused on buying machines and improving things as much as I could to hopefully keep the town from being overtaken and renamed (I was SO relieved when the protection feature was added). It’s not the biggest place, and parts of it are kind of rough, but it’s something that my friends and I all participated in, and it makes me happy. :slight_smile:


Found it on PS shop. Soon to b released. Um and ahh about it for weeks after release before I actually bought it. Haven’t bought another game since…


i learned about Boundless from CobraTv on YouTube he would at times talk about upcoming games he was keeping track of and Boundless was one of them.
If not for Cobra i would not have known about Boundless when it came out and may have missed it for a very long time altogether lol


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone say “I was gifted the game by a friend/family member”.

Loving the stories though!


I bought it for my sister, and she is still addicted!


I remember when you showed up. As I remember, when I first saw you, I waved and you logged off. Firs time I ever had that response in a game :rofl:
Then you joined the guild and it’s been fun since. :wink:


I had watched friends play minecraft for years. I thought the graphics were horrible, so I never bothered.
Then I saw this game on steam around 2017. Bookmarked and forgot about it.
June 2019, my grandma passed and I needed something to distract me from the grief. So looked it up, watched the trailer and bought it.
I was playing about 5-8 hours a day for the first seven months. Then less.
I want to stay interested, but I think I’m burning out.


I was gifted the game by a friend. :smiley:

Actually first builder game I have engaged myself ever. Now I grind Oort and materials for said friend :thinking:

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Everyone i gifted the game to has stopped playing or never bothered starting.

:rofl:, oh man i remember that, though i didnt remember if it was you or roman or ball lol. I think i had barely an hour on after having not played since the game was called oort online and it was being inundated with the new player tutorial


It was on my steam queue and i was watching it for like a year, but you know a lot of smaller studio games just kind of flop so i didn’t invest.
Finally i saw squeenix collective picked it up and it was getting a ps4 release, so i got it and convinced my console buddies to play with me.

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I was looking for a fun game to play and thought about minecraft.
Now when I looked at the graphics … I am very visual and do not like looking at pixels all day haha

I found this came that was a builder game but more in a cartoonish way … forgot the name by now … they pulled the plug on it so …

after searching similar games I stumbled apon Boundless in Beta … it looked interesting with the portals and planets to discover so I was eager to try.
I was hooked the moment I made my first mudhut :slight_smile:

Now my potatoe of a PC could not handle the game well so eventually stopped playing becasue of the huge lag. I started playing again once my PC was upgraded a bit and the game has released

And still here :slight_smile:


Searched builder games on Steam long ago, and looked at the images and gave it a try


i searched ‘‘games that will stay in beta forever and boundless popped up at number one’’

just kidding guys! xD

i found it by searching for sandbox games


Soooo, I was frustrated with another game, they had just removed the last ways that a player could place or leave items in the world - after a tumultuous 8(ish) year ride, it was pretty much the last straw.

I went looking for a persistent/open world sandbox MMORPG that I could enjoy. I stumbled across boundless, and wound up watching a couple of Jiivita’s videos, etc…

I tried several games that week, things have changed a lot since I went looking for a new RPG to play. Despite the insistence on not being an RPG, Boundless had everything else I was looking for. I dabbled for a couple of days while I was trying a few games, then one night decided to go ahead and build myself a place.

That turned into a marathon session. I got intrigued by the building system, and found the game pleasant enough. Between October 15, 2018 and June 21, 2020 I played over 7400 hours. I guess it was a good call!

The game and the entire studio could go down in flames with @james insulting me personally right now and I still wouldn’t regret the purchase :rofl: It turned out to be some of the best entertainment money I ever spent. Working on three years of gleam club and 1 or 2 hundred dollar cubit purchases on the side. I honestly wish I’d given these guys the money I was pouring into EU over the last decade.


My daughter introduced me to this game two years ago I really enjoy it. I have to take a break from it ever now and then. But it is still the best game out there.


Wish I could remember, to be honest.

All I do remember is backing the original Oort Online on Wayfarer tier, more than half a decade ago.

Genuinely can’t remember where I found it through, but it was probably someone on YouTube who talked about it.


For me I found the game via a youtuber called Many A True Nerd. Its a shame he never did a part two as the video is now out of date as a lot of the builds are no longer around.