I am a game loyalist until the day it ends. But Boundless needs an Overhaul!

I always forget this… I need to remember this.

Would actually love to see… no hear that^^

@james I know this is not an important suggestion, but, I’d love to be able to tame an animal of choice. Like turn an elite hopper into a battle hopper and ride it in to do battle with meteors. Only because I think I’d pmsl. If am honest. Seriously, farming animals or taming would be such fun. :hugs:


I ditto what @krasniy says. :nerd_face::+1:

Did he say furniture? Because I want that, too. :star_struck:

I don’t think crafting should be less difficult. I’m sorry, @Janna55, I respectfully disagree. I don’t believe all recipes should be easy to make. The reason being is it takes away from the specialization factor. It’s the reason I buy my coils instead of crafting them, or the reason Player 1 buys my potions instead of crafting them. Having challenges in crafting is part of what creates a market. :blush:

I would love to see more variation in hunting. More enemies, boss fights (Titans). More diversity in battle roles (ie healer, tank, dps, controller, MAGE!). More weapons… perhaps blow darts, throwing axes?

Craftable Mobs/bosses. Imagine being able to create dungeons? Perhaps your guild could earn something towards their guild if they run X amount of dungeons per day? Make it that they must be in other communities? Give the home community reward for the number of out of town guests run their dungeons? That would drive people to create some fantastic content.

I have so many things on my plate in this game, one of the things I love is there is so much to do. I keep busy enough, but I would be for all of these things!

Oh! And MORE EVENTS! The Gleambow hunting was so much fun! Give us more! :blush:

All of this being said, I do so appreciate the complexity and vast canvas this game has given me. I think we will only see things get even better and I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store. :blush:


Guys. He asked about ways to simplify the game. New content =/= simplify.


Some things I consider QOL’s:

I’d like to be able to transfer entire beacons between my alts and other players without replotting.

Some paving stones or concrete for conventional walkways and roads. Please not heavy on the craft recipe.

A Horn for the hunt leader so I don’t get left behind!! lol.

Some fun things. A bonus structure for creature kills or revives on meteor life, give those place a 10% bonus on the loot or a coin purse. Place a crown above the kill leader, skill and cross bones above the player with the most death penalties


And simplifying doesn’t have to mean less complex crafting recipes or less skills.
It might simply mean looking for ways to present existing content in a way that’s easier to understand and learn for new players. Or balancing the way difficulty scales up along character progression.

Maybe some complexity enters player’s world too soon? Maybe some aspects of the game need smoother progress as they jump from plain simple to complex too fast? (machines and power? high tier worlds challenge and what it means for skill choice? forging and maybe now farming as well?)

I hope more newer players can speak up as for veterans a lot of things may feel easy enough, since they watched it developed and introduced step by step.


I’m having a hard time understanding that.

Simple. We know that the Titans came and destroyed the civilization and killed off al the Ortains.

Star Trek fan, the Titans are their version of the Borg, they go around destroying planets and take the people to become new titans. They attacked the planet we came from. Some were able to get onto some space ships, with very little supplies and weapons and took of into space, no idea of where, just Run for you Lives ! Type of event.

The find a solar system that is full of planets that they can survive one, different ships land on different planets, they find very little to tell them what happened, but they did learn two very important things. The Titans had come there before them and destroyed the people who lived on these worlds and that they had left behind information on how to build portals to be able to travel to the different planets. Now, they (we) have to survive, find a way to rebuild their (our) civilization.

There is your story of what happened to the Orts, why we ended up here on these planets. Took me a couple minutes to use my imagination. Give me a little while longer and I can come up with more. The story is given at the beginning of every game that we can bypass once we have played the first time and read it. We know now the beginning.

We are now working on the middle as we live, grow, rebuild, prepare to someday face the Titans again, and hopefully be ready to fight and survive them this time.

Focus on things that could be used to help us prepare. We will need better weapons, medication to help us heal faster as we fight the Titans, critters we can tame to use to help us fight. Imagine using the most powerful of the goats to ride on and have the cuttletrunks, hoppers and spitters of the highest rank beside you as you take on the Titans with the advance weapons we have learned to make from the exo planets that have been showing up.

Can we advance enough to make some type of shuttlecraft that we could fly around in, that we could make some type of fighter space vehicle, (think like in Star Wars) that we could fly and attack the Titans? We can sure try to do that.

We now have a story, we now have the reason we were able to make portals. We now have a goal, make more advance weapons, medicine, get critters we can tame to use in battle when the Titans do come. We now have hope, we can find a way to defend our new planets, new home worlds, advance and become better than what we were on our home planets that weren’t strong enough to stand up to the Titan. We Will Survive ! ! ! We Have Lived to Fight Another Day ! !

Okay, just my imagination for the last few minutes. I’m sure that someone in the dev team should have a better imagination, or ask other players to give stories they think would be good for the game. Heck, mine isn’t that great, but they can have it for free. It is a generic type story that you read in a lot of games.

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yea sorry i did not explain that well i more ment no story in the traditional sense that you are used to in MMO via NPC’s or cutscenes a rule of “only player made things” limits the means of delivering that kind of content

but anyway i may be starting to go off topic here

Maybe changing some normal 1 point requiring skills to epics? Like athmosphere epic would be nice .

Giving athmo protection 2 to all planets so you dont have to “waste” almost 15 points to that


I believe the question was about fat to trim that could improve the game …

  1. group up stat skills and auto provide them or bake them into the characters. They are the illusion of choice…but so many are just needed because they are too good.

I need power as a hunter…luck too. Is there a real value choice there? I mean…I could be a weak hunter with less loot…yay?

The skills should feel good.

Went hunting on T7 and it was fun with a small group. As dps I was using focus brews…tank using rage brews…healer was in a tanky Dodge spec. It was a lot of fun…we can’t wait to do it again as exos drop.

That felt cool. Most of the skill points that made that hunt feel cool we’re at the bottom of the tree. I take the rest for granted.

We felt like our class helped make the game better.

That feeling came from the later skills. Picking 5agi or 7agi to also allow item durability…feels lame.

Skills I hate having to pay for:
The All attribute skill (the 5 points one at the end)
Durability epic
Chisel epic
Warp distance
Portal open epic
Tax epic

I like the idea of the skill system. Sometimes (like in the t7 hunt) we all feel awesome with our builds.

Other times, it is just micromanaging the smallest of changes and constantly cleansing to do basic tasks in my base.


Not exactly off topic, it is that something needs to be done to get the game more appealing to other players, to keep the ones we have and not lose the ones who buy the game then quit.

I’m not a big pusher for the game has to have a story, I can make up my own. But some player are, they want a Reason! My son is that way, there has to be a story of why we ae on these planets that are not our home world.

Okay, for those who are like him, that Must have a story, make up a simple one. Stardew Valley is simple, inherited his grandpa (I think) farm and now has to go and save it. Real simple, yet a lot of players like the game. Simple quests, objectives to do that helps you out in the game and teaches how to do things. Better, to be honest, than the tutorial we have right now.

A story, a reason to play, to have a goal for some is important, others, its nah, I’ll make up my own (me) But for the ones who feel a story is important, give them a simple story of what happened to those here before us, why we left our home planets to come here and what we hope to do.

That should have been the first thing that they did, come up with a story and create the game around it. But, that is just my opinion.

For the skill system, so far you can see most people still use similar build to create their hunter / crafter / miner…etc. The reason behind it i think is because the skills are not enough. We need more skills like double jump, charging, rapid fire which has actual function instead of status boost or crafting bonus.

For example a skill for fast fix power coils by holding the mouse, those thing people may choose it to build their crafter.

I understand the reason you want players have freedom to build unique build, but when useful skills is limited, it will just turn out that most people have similar build which is kind of pointless. I suggest move all status skill to the other ui (power / dex/ control…etc) and make skill to 2 different type.

  1. passive skill ( something like protection epic, weapon crafting epic)
  2. active skill ( like double jump, charging, rapid fire.)

Some idea for the active skill.

  • Longer distance and damage for axe / hammer when you hold mouse. (so people can use it to fight and gather)
  • Hammer hit cause explosion (to replace the bomb mining method)
  • Jump to the wall and climb blocks ( people who love hunt/ explore may want it )
  • Reflect the hit by monsters by block their attack with hammer / axe /shovel.
  • when you throw bomb bounce 4 times, and go higher and faster for each bounce ( can be fun in the hunt event)
  • Marking material in mini map (when you put thing in atlas it shows on mini map with certain distance)

And then, design those to fit different game content like (farming , hunting, mining …etc)
We can’t deny that boundless has class which is hunter / miner / crafter…etc), the only difference is the system create by players or meta.
Players need more skills choices to test and find out the different combinations to fit their play style.

I think this is the real meaning of freedom for skill system.

One of my favorite MMORPG (Tree of Savior), you can combine a lot of different class to find out your favorite build. This really make me feel i am free to create anything even something not the meta, but fit my play style.

Being lazy and echoing my support for a lot of the points made by @krasniy

Would also add

  • A proper mailing/messaging system… Instant, persistent communication system with ability to send items (while it’s a romantic ideal to have people meeting up to trade, its very impractical with all the different time zones).

  • character customisation… Different races, size, heights etc… Make everyone feel like an individual and special and there is more likely to be a bonding between player and on screen character.


Buy a cheap Bluetooth keyboard for your PS4, makes chatting soooooooo much easier! Or hook up an USB keyboard, that works too…


1 - I would agree that the recipes are in general too complex. There are too many interim products that are not useful on their own even if they are used in several recipes. At least with rock, at each step to crafting decorative, the rock product can be used on its own with no further processing. Rock. stone, refined, and decorative. Each can be used to build.

2 - It is no secret that I am not a fan of the forge. I think any process is a game that requires an out of game guide to understand and where players want to use the test universe to learn how to do it in order to avoid wasting rare and expensive materials probably could use a second look. Maybe you simplify what the forge can add to tools so that the boons are very specific as to what they do. Are the quirks necessary or do they just add frustration for a player already investing expensive product into making something? Is the RNG really necessary?

3 - I would agree that the skill tree is overly confusing to a lot of new players (even if they get free resets to level 20) and there are too many skills that end up part of every alt and skill page. If this is the case, then does this need another look? Should certain skills like speed and jump just be part of a every character? I would also agree that with exo planets being a new and good addition to the game, putting a skill wall up making it necessary for players to have the skills to be able to warp far enough does keep some from being able to get to them. I am grateful for the players that do try to arrange group access for those players without the coin or the skills to be able to reach the exo planets, but should this be necessary? They already need to get the atmosphere skills for some of the exo’s so should they also need the warp distance skill?


Agreed. I also means revisiting existing game mechanics and looking to redo or remove them (like footfall, skill pages, etc).

Those that want to make things super simple need to think about finding the right balance and not destroy game progression or challenges along the way. Also just because one group finds something they want in the game does not mean it is actually the best thing for the game. Not to mention the time to adjust the systems or code things or that changing one thing might require changing another thing for balance, etc.

In regards to recipes, I don’t think really anything really needs to change in a general sense beyond the “chaining of steps” to get an item. I can see one or two prerequisites being needs to craft like a Pie, but I shouldn’t need to put 5 other huge crafts on other machines before it just to make the item. Instead I should just be able to put all the ingredients into the craft machine and hit Go.

I do think the crafting needs a revisit and we need way more machines like people have in the real world. More assets for the workshop. It seems crazy that the refinery is used for a million things.


I need this bad! I am so embarrassed when people in the game come to chat with me. Takes me forever to get my words out. I’m sure it is frustrating for the other person as well.

Nevermind, I am such an idiot! I HAVE ONE. Here I have been struggling for 2 years and had one sitting in a cabinet.

I need help!!! :man_facepalming:


Thanks for the info, I think maybe my timing was off when I tried using the seed in my atlas. The only hotspot on circa I found was a spikeback plant someone had on their beacon named ‘heatmap test’ or something?
I was able to find some seeds there later using the exotic earthyam itself though. I think it’s mostly down to being a bit too late to the party, as you suggested haha.

I really appreciate the offer to travel to an Exo, and if you spot me around feel free to friend me. I’ll happily tag along with anyone that doesn’t mind a curious noob who probably dies too often. I’m almost level 40 now though!


I have to vehemently disagree with this point - complex systems that allow players to go outside the game to learn and master adds content and depth. You can forge without going outside the game, you just probably won’t do as well learning on your own - but that’s what we had to do in the beginning, and we figured it out didn’t we?

Now, I agree that some of the forge ingredients and the process could use some improvement - but the overall system is solid.

Actually - one of the Forgemasters members was telling me the other day he wishes Boundless would make cooking into a similar process to Forging, allowing you to make multi buff food in a much more engaging way by adding ingredients and etc - a cooking mini game!!! Not similar in the sense that it works exactly the same, of course, just the mini game aspect.

Some food for thought there @james (pun so very much intended)