I believe

This is not the reason for private servers. It is a clear additional benefit (i’ve talked about even trying to get portals to private servers like we have for sovern/creative) but not the reason WHY it happened right now or made sense to do earlier than other things on the “list.”


Are you able to discuss what that reason behind the timing is? I’m pretty happy to have a way to make world-builder configs playable so I’m not upset. Just curious about the prioritization strategy in general as it’s historically made me scratch my head a bit.

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This isn’t probably one of the areas I have to keep quiet on, but honestly I really can’t speak to all the details on why this was next because I just don’t know. Sometimes their prioritization strategy feels like some magick seance or scarry Forge RNG process. (Of course, I’m joking there and they take the decisions they make seriously and what is next with lots of discussion - I can attest to that because of all the feature enhancements I have tried to get pushed and the data I get back on that. But, it is fun to throw a snowball at the Devs from time to time since they really did give us forge RNG and baby cuttles that will chase you to the end of the earth and time).

Now this is my own words in how I explain it and not an official exact out of the King Horse’s mouth - James. But, one thing I believe I can share was that once Boundless went down the path towards offering a “rented server” they started to fall out of line with the “standard” that Steam has about people being able to run their own servers - meaning a “local one - non rented.” Due to that, they needed to get back in alignment with that standard. All other games in Steam that offer “servers people can have,” have local options.

Added to that, I assume since they had just finished Sovereign, from a Dev perspective it made sense to stay on that path and get the local stuff done. James really likes to touch an area once and not have to go back to it over and over especially since he knows how that can affect us all in game. This is why we see themes and not little things here and there added… it is all “time/value add/ and how it affects other game systems” decision it seems.


It was more of a tongue in cheek comment lol.

No idea what they are doing or timescales, just that it seems that the work there is the priority especially with leah being officially declared larian staff

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Leah did post something on twitter about now working for larian…I think.

I have kinda put the game on the back burner now seeing as updates ar sooooo painfully slow

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I think overall taking the focus of my free gaming time away from Just this one game was probably a good idea for now.

At least that way no matter the outcome I’m happy.

If it goes well and lots of stuff comes in o have a new exciting set of content to play

If it doesn’t I’m not totally invested in it 100% and can play one of 3 other games just as happily

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Thank you sir! Makes total sense.

Same…was maybe hoping to get a local world going with some friends b/c Valheim sorta rekindled the building spark for us but I don’t want to really reinvest in something if the next update won’t be until like December or something and if even then it’s some obscure like background change instead of titans or wearables or something.

It’s not just Leah unfortunately… Minyi, Sam and Steph have all updated twitter profiles to say that they now work for Larian too.

I don’t know about the rest of the core team (Blake, Fooks, Jim, VDragon, MichaelB, Luca et al) involved in Boundless though.


Yeah a Boundless Valheim group server would be awesome lol…

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Well that is majorly telling. Losing Minyi and Steph is extremely disappointing. This is likely me done with Boundless for pretty much good now :frowning: .

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This is a lot of speculation. Sure would be nice if @james gave us some concrete information to help understand the situation…

I think the speculation is more about the negative aspects this will cause for Boundless. I think we will be fine with no major change in the general sense. Many people don’t understand what is already in place (like art and other stuff) and what is really needed to move the game forward.

We just have to see how it plays out.

I still believe in Boundless; but I have to admit I don’t want to make this post.
In game, I see communication between players all the time.
I see people showcasing new ideas and receiving feedback from the community.
I see players reaching out and doing all they can to assist and accommodate others while
also not being afraid to own their faults and be up front with the things they’re not going
to change.

The reason I don’t want to make this post is that the devs feel like they’re completely
outside of this culture. Old timelines still exist like memorials to broken promises, and
the players sit here waiting patiently despite being let down again and again; and even then
it seems like there is animocity towards the playerbase for daring to be upset with the wait.
Nothing is updated or resolved, just announced with authority and a sprinkling of pleasantries
that make it feel like an update from “the higher ups” at an office. I don’t feel like my input
matters and generally feel like any meaningful questions are ignored. Everything just sits
behind the famous “when it’s done” used by old game studios that actually delivered some of the
best and most complete gaming experiences of all time.

But as I said, I still believe. I’ll still be sitting around here paying to keep my beacons up
like an absolute sucker regardless of when the updates come. I’ll still be trying to bring
friends into this game and explaining to them how I find so much joy in so few activities.
I may make or heart an angry post; but in the long run, I’ll be here until the game or at least
the people who love it disappear.

So with all this belief in this game and its devs, I want to also believe that this community
can handle a less-than 100% accurate timeline. I feel like any consistent update schedule would
be better than the constant conspiracy theories. Knowing when news and change will come is well
worth living with some bugs; and knowing what not to expect can be just as assuring as knowing
what to expect. If the next 5 or however many updates on the schedule end up showing nothing
because of staff changes or office issues or other projects or whatever, I’ll still be hanging
around. I’d like to think we can handle that sort of flexibility in planning as long as that
actually gets noted somewhere for reference. I can accept that release schedules are made by
humans who sometimes need to update them, and it would be really nice to have any window into
plans for the game without having to piece together rumors and info from those who have access
to dev discussions(this is not a dig at you, thank you so much for sharing those updates).

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Thank you for coming to my TED talk and feel free to roast me
at your leisure. :clap:


That was really well said :sob:


Well, with the lattice chisel, and some creativity, could make portal frames :wink:

:joy: I think this might be to much to ask for. The rest toataly doable.


While pants would be great, I can’t imagine an oortian with anything other then what we have now.:joy::jeans:

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I’ll be lurking and fueling portals and slowly expanding dkmall but otherwise I’ve been on a break until new content. I hope :crossed_fingers: it actually includes compact oort in portals…


What I think is the saddest part of all of this is the devs seem to have let go of the reins on something that really could have been great. Sadly so many people have now left or just linger (like myself) , in the hope that something good might come along, that game truly feels like it’s on life support.

I couldn’t guess whether they will pull the plug out of sympathy or use modern day gaming science to help us all pull through.

Hopefully the larian situation Is just a financial crutch to boost the coffers until they are fully healthy rather than being an exodus from the sinking ship.

Until we know what the true plan is (and is suspect this will be a long way off) I will just keep wandering around forums aimlessly

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