I can relate

The phrase “ah, the elusive yam-eating stalker” comes to mind and I can’t get it out. XD love the mental image!


S’all good! Those run-by waves count in my book. And I saw you were a very active gazelle! Spotted you again in Ultima. It’s like a double rainbow! :unicorn: :rainbow:

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Alot of people friend for an easy port to another planet i noticed.
I allways /wave or /Salute if anyone is close enough…1 in 10 Maybe responds.
But in the last week 2 in 10 and we have friended :slight_smile:

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I am the worst for avoiding other users. Very bad at small talk and I usually have nothing to trade so I’m sure I’ve sanctum-ed out a few times in front of approaching users. :smiley: I mean well … if you catch me on a chatty day then I’ll be the one typing up a storm.

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I’m the awkward guy that will wave and when you wave back we stare at each other for about 45 seconds before one of us slowly backs away and leaves :sweat_smile:


Amen to waving and running. I barely even stop most times. I figure a wave is friendly enough and leaves my name in chat if anyone actually wants to message me.


I feel like the gazelle at times especially when i’m into a build, sometimes have momentum issues. when i’m on a roll prefer to just get on with the task but someone stops and speaks too nice to ignore someone will stop and chat with the little devil in my ear prodding me about getting back to work.

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I try to wave at players near my settlement, I know, or recognize from the forums, but am usually too beat after work to want to sit and type long conversations.


We aren’t all social butterflies. But when I see any people I don’t know. I creep out of my hole to greet them and give them the tour if I can. Then i’ll Give them some healing bombs or something. Also I try and get them to try the reapers trials.


I’m horrible about ignoring people or running away. PS4 player- trying to type is pretty clunky. Voice chat would be an amazing thing, honestly… Whenever I do attempt chat, it involves me standing still, staring blankly until I finally get out “hi”…


Hahaha. I’m on PS4 too. And yes its too slow typing.


But a jump and possibly a twirl on the exit is needed for that extra flare! :sunglasses::sparkles:


Same…in-game sometimes & in real life lol
A social butterfly I am not. Boundless feels like a safe place tho, for some reason & I like it :blush:


You see, im really, really weird in this regard.
I have an incredibly hard time initiating conversation. I start panicking once I realize i need to talk to them to the point I feel like I’m going to combust. (Serious, get the shakes and emotional and everything)
(Had a panic attack first post on here-- I was a wreck)

However, once that conversation is started, or they initiate first, I can chat away.
When I feel comfortable around someone… well, good luck getting me to shut up. :zipper_mouth_face:


Suddenly I feel like my experience is completely different. I will typically be the one that waves or respond to a wave. If I’m running from planet to planet I normally don’t stop and say hello.

I’ve run across a few of the people that commented here and everyone seems like really cool people. I understand social anxiety though, so I usually just say something quickly and then give them or me an out.

I’d love to chat with more people, but half the time I’m running around trying to find someone that’s selling what I’m looking for haha.

Like, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen about four or five of ya from this forum thread alone and have said hello and had a nice little conversation! So thanks for being awesome Oortians!


Chat is not very obvious and I notice I can miss it rather easy.


This. SO many times I don’t even notice that someone was chatting to me. I’ve been snuck up on so often- last night I even jumped when someone was suddenly right next to me! Unless I am looking for it, I won’t even notice the chat log.

So, so much this… :rofl: IRL particularly I’m very shy. Sometimes to the point of anxiety if there are a lot of people around. BUT, once I feel comfortable with a person… yeah, good luck shutting me up then! Then I’ll start talking about anything and everything.

This too, even with people I like, there are days I’m on late in the evening where I might as well be a zombie, I’m completely zoned out to music and just trying to decompress.

I like the idea of voice chat mentioned earlier, that would make it a lot easier, being on PS4… though anybody talking to me would likely hear some meowing in the background. Often have a cat on me when playing, and they can be talkative. :wink: I’d just have to try to keep my husband from coming in and saying anything TOO wildly inappropriate when I’m on, I’m not keen on getting banned… :joy:


I was a bit of a space case and you caught me completely off guard that day.

I’m kinda embarrassed about it now and wish I’d stuck around a bit longer. XD sorry bout that!

Scaring players off huh? Tsk! :smiley:

Bluetooth keyboard is your friend!!!