I too must say adieu!

giphy (2)


I want to start by thanking everyone for all the kind words. I knew I had made many friends but I am humbled knowing my impact was larger than what I realized. Which now makes me even more sad that I am leaving :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:
Everyone has been amazing and never have I felt unwelcome once by anyone, well the couple trolls we had but they are long since gone unless @Host is still trolling these days :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

@Redlotus I totally get where you are coming from and I have been silent pretty much on this except for hinting at it a couple times now for 4 or 5 months for that very reason, but been staying silent out of respect for wonderstruck. But the silence and lack of clarity from the team coupled with no support and as @ardele said the PTR servers have been down awhile now. Their silence however makes me the most fearful for everyone. That one day everyone will wake up and everyrthing will be shut down with little to no warning and feel like they have no where to go.

Before that day comes this our way to say DONT WORRY! But now that it seems it is inevitable that boundless is on a slow death roll to the end, we didn’t want our community/family to end and let everyone know we are working on something to continue our wonderful community over into a new game.

I am the one to blame because I told @bucfanpaka was ok with her posting about it. I also feel that if the devs really had any quams with this feed they would have shut it down a long time ago. On top of that how can they be mad really? They aren’t even really taking care of anything in the game anyways?

So staying true to myself and the Dragon everyone knows and saying hey we got ya don’t worry.

@bucfanpaka, @ardele and everyone that has already joined us, thanks for the support and all you do for us, without you we sure wouldn’t be as far along as we are now! Without your community backing we would be dead still in the water without a current to move through! THANK YOU BOTH for believing in us and helping us make this a reality! It is an honor and a pleasure always !


This is playing into my reasoning here as well - more and more worried that this might be the outcome. :frowning:

This too. Actually, if I could bet money on this, I’d feel safe betting their attitude at the worst towards this will be absolute indifference. And that they might even look kindly on our efforts and wish us well. After all, BG3 is a MASSIVELY ambitious project that appears to be in the weeds. That has to be their priority now. They’ve got a ton of job openings too, plus having to coordinate such a complicated project across many studios worldwide. But I can’t help but think there has to be sadness on at least some level for how things went here, even if they’re over it on other levels or if has now become a burden and source of pain. This was clearly a passion project and Aenea had told me just how much this was James’ baby and how much he loved to talk about it to her, his ideas and dreams for it. I see our actions as a compliment to them - that we don’t want to see this vision or this wonderful community they drew together just die with no legacy, the sad fate of many games, and members scattered to the winds of the gaming world. I will forever be grateful for their work, and I want it to have a legacy that will live on and hopefully really flourish.

Thank you, I’m so happy I’ve had an opportunity to help, to try to bring a source of happiness to others! :smiley:

@zakon - That looks like me driving that car. :rofl:


If James or anyone who reads this. @bucfanpaka summed up what my original goal and intent was before it grew into the large group around the project today. I want us to pay homage to Boundless and follow in the foot steps of James which is pushing the boundries of Building/Crafting MMORPGs while making it look beautiful!
James did quite a few things for this genre that others have failed miserably at

  1. He showed us a mine craft game that looked modern and not like it was half baked in NES days with 8, 16 and 32 bit graphics!
  2. He proved that low poly voxel building games don’t have to look ugly! Or be totally boxy! Or boring!
  3. He showed us Building/Crafting games can have MMORPG brought into them.
  4. He provided a positive space for us to flourish and find one another and kept mostly free of toxicity!
    5 and Last but not least James albeit not completely but began to define a new genre while reinventing an existing one, within the genre of Building/Crafting MMORPGs which as a developer myself would say that is by far the largest achievement here!

So let it be known this is not an attempt of an overthrow, rather it is an horing of what James has done a brought to the table for this genre and community and carry that legacy on forward into the future in his honor!

Thank you James truely you have started something that few in our industry have and I hope if you read this that you take it to heart with the sincerity that it was written with!


Sorry to see you go

Can confirm that the test servers are still up and running (I’m on there as I type this) - Havran I, Dalan, Alcor II, Biitula, Kraterradall & Multel at least are up.



7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Public Test Server Access

So why not buy the game and continue on? has anyone ever approached him about buying boundless? I know I reached out today. I too love this game and don’t wanna see it go.


too much words. ty devs

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I assume they’d want too much for it, but who knows.

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This. 0 communication from the team for a very very long time…I can only interpret that as a hint that they will at some point announce the close down of the servers, but they are letting it run as long as they are still at least making some money from it (but once that dries up, Im sure they’ll announce a closedown).

Sadly I will not be prolonging my gleamclub when it runs out. Which I really feel is sad :frowning: This was a game I could have imagined subbing for for decades, but it seems the world does not seem to agree with what I like some times. At least we will be able to look back on it later in our lives with the knowledge that we were THERE, we participated and experienced something unique.


I plan to keep refueling my beacons until February 2023. If I don’t see anything forthcoming by then, I’ll let my stuff reclaim.


YEP I saw this coming a loooong time ago! really sad!!!


TO clarify…

If you created a US-East character and only the EU-central servers are up. It would appear to the US-EAST player that the PTR server is down. I had to create another character and Only EU-Central was selectable. So I wasn’t incorrect stating it was down but I was not aware that only one server was up. Hope this helps shed some light on the situation.

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Larky popped me an invite to the discord. Much luck to you on this adventure. Excited to see it when it comes to availability. Will keep tabs there to see its progress.

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All the speculation in this post and yet here it is still getting new players. We still had all the events you mentioned wouldn’t happen again. It’s honestly people that make posts like this that make a game fail. I’ll keep on playing boundless and if one day I turn it on and it’s gone I guess I’ll find a different game. Until then I’ll stay positive and not talk ■■■■ about the game. The more people that stay will make the new people want to stick around too. Hopefully you’ve found what you’re looking for I guess.


Indeed! Ignorance is bliss.

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Oddly… I never considered myself a victim even though I still play I even bought Gleam Club again recently. Was it the smartest thing to do? Maybe not, but I would much rather try and continue supporting the people that still play the game and the new players. I don’t think of my Gleam club payment going to James as much as I feel it is going to support the community that is still there.

Not everyone that plays the game still or speaks positively of the game is ignorant … thinking they are is however.


After taking a 2 month break, I came back, bought 3 months of gleam club and a sovereign. I’m having fun again, even with the inevitable drama.


I will never call you an idiot as I agree with many of your posts. The one I will always disagree with is that the current players are ignorant. While not all players are educated on the past promises or upcoming updates or missing content… that doesn’t make them ignorant, nor does it make them victims. I would be willing to bet you had a good amount of hours in the game. I would even venture to say they were enjoyable hours… wouldn’t you want other gamers to have that same enjoyment?



You two seem to be going back and forth. While I believe you’re referring to very new players, I started about two years ago because a friend thought I would like it. I only joined the forum in the past two weeks, so I feel my situation is pertinent.

I love the game and the community. And I knew going in that all games that run on someone else’s server will always, one day, die.
What I didn’t know was that there could be titans or melee weapons in the future, which was very exciting until I also learned about the trouble with the devs. None of this was promised to me, so I don’t feel like anything has been taken away. I still love the game and want to keep going. But I will be incredibly sad when the servers shut down.
Sure, I was ignorant to the specifics, but I think anyone who plays an MMO knows there’s a time limit on it somewhere.