I want to forge. Part Four: Lets Forge

Part Three: Gathering advanced materials

The nitty gritty. The same as basic mats, but what advanced mats do you need for specific forging?

What do you need, where do you get them?

I know this could get lengthy, so any suggestions on how to break this up would helpful.

Same stuff basically… Just need power and if you feel fancy get runner feathers. T5s+ like flan seem to spawn a lot, you will need range or shadow epic, speed helps. You can grapple them if you got a long range grapple.

I find long range fists work well

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Thermal Core Trophies from hoppers. High level meteor hunts can net a great deal of these in an hour or two and you only need 18 for mass craft. PURE network or discord to get hunt times (they happen pretty regularly). That covers everything for monster drops save the Road runner feather.

As far as other high level things…bitter beans which ot has already been stated they are on Shedu or Beseverona in abundance and usually next to shrooms that provide shadow orbs.

In the end, nothing is very hard to gather for forging, it just takes some time.

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Part Four: Lets Forge

As mentioned above, you will need the machines and coils to make mats and forge. But we all understand how power works.

I figure the best way to do this is by specific recipe. I understand there are multiple ways to do things, So I’ll post a result, you tell YOUR method for getting it done. Not just what to use, but how.

So lets start very basic.

How Do You Add Light Radius?

Step one, fill your bar with 3 luminous gums, 10 compounds(of your choosing) 1 setting resin.

Step two. Place item in the item box.

Step three, start forge

Step four place all 3 gums in the forge,

Step five, place compound in the forge and roll until you get light.

Step six, place setting resin in the forge and watch the timer go down to get your item.

Step seven(optional) commit hate crimes against mimes


Light gum doesn’t have any other traits under it so is a very simple thing to get. Of course you can mess it up due to RNG, the more gum you use the higher chance of getting something under the light gum. Which is light… so it’s fool proof… unless you’re a mime… :face_vomiting: mimes…

JK I don’t hate mimes. Light is mime proof too.

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I have not seen anything yet for pastes. You will need Bitter and Spicy Beans. Fate paste is a good protection when using compounds with quirk or defect points.


So you just put all those mats in and press “go”?

Assume we know nuthin bout nuthin.

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Updated mate :thinking:

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  • Placed a stone chisel in to item slot
  • Added 2 Special Gum to middle - did 2 rounds
  • Added 7 Imperfect Boon Compound 2 - did those rounds - you might need more or fewer depending on luck
  • Added the Setting Resin - 1 round
  • Waited for it to set

Nothing special about the materials needed tbh. No trophies etc
I think the some things need 500 power on the Extractor. I had no power on the Forge and only 3 points in the 3 main skills.

It made the lootstick light in the screenshot here:

Edit: layout

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@Marrs…I see you, but not there yet. I have a method to my madness.

Next up:
How do you add “Gather Radius” to an item?

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Start Forge,
Enter 3 special Gums. Start 3 rounds
Add compound of choice.
This will give you either Magnet/Area of Effect or something random(unlikely)
If you add more compounds the RNG will either add points into the first buff, or choose a new buff.

If your happy Add Setting resin, call it a day. Or you can add more compounds.


So, now we have those…

How do you make one that is both?

I would add a smidge of advice, 3 gums tend to give me a higher chance of random effects than 4 do (still get plenty of random boons using 4 even) and this can strain budgets in forging if you use some of the more expensive forge items and tools.

Invest in deconstruct resin. Preferably lvl 3 if possible, it’s an investment saver for those really horrible forges.

On to the actual topic of how to get both glow and auto harvest. I will lay out my method.

Apply 3 glow gums and 2 longevity gums, we are aiming to fill the first 2 slots, one with max glow (hence the higher glow gums than longevity) and the second with any amount of bonus durability.
Apply draining boon compound 1 (this is assuming you don’t mind quirks on this tool and have 200% effectiveness) and keep using it until you get max glow (or the level of glow you desire)
Then use a vigor catalyst 2 (this serves 2 purposes, cleaning your bar to remove the glow and longevity gums, and returning some vigor to allow you more uses of items)
Then apply 4 special gums ( or 3 if you want to be risky)
Apply draining boon compound 1 until you get max loot magnet.

Now there are many notes for this method. (forging in complex) the first is I’m assuming you have deconstruction resin in case things go very wrong here. The second is I suggest having a quirk transmute solvent and a boon removal solvent 1. (both of these take wildstock horns, which are easier to get than feathers) now when you get aoe on the item instead of loot magnet you will need to use the boon removal solvent to get rid of it and try again. This will happen, and often. There is no protection against getting the same boon over and over and over again. The other option of just using special gum to get both loot Magnet and aoe runs a separate risk, but a harder to mitigate risk. Running out of stability. Once you go below 0 stability the tool is lost and everything you used on it is gone. So I suggest this method, and it will help if you ever want to push into the complex hammer forging later. Since it is a similar method for aoe/dura/dmg. (granted this usually uses feathers so it gets costly)

This is in now way the only method. And not the “best” method for forging. But then again there is no best forging method. You really need to try many different ways to find what you like best.


I agree with @Unagi4me about using more gums to secure desired buffs. If your looking for two traits or even three traits you must add the gums of your desire. I refer to this list i think @PendragonTheNinja put together for everybody. I take more risk with 3 gums but I want to save that 50 vigor cost. All personal Preference.

Now at this point in your "Training Thread"I really suggest you start practicing with your own forge to feel out the RNG. Use One tool at a time and I started with Pure Boon Compounds.

Roll a few gums,
Roll a few Compounds,
Roll a setting resin.

After you feel out the RNG for gums, you can then think about using Vigor or Stabilization Paste. Personally I always use FATE paste.

Vigor Catalyst allows you to “wash” away all effects (including Gums) so you can target different traits by adding new gums and clear away any negative effects.

I like @Merln 's methods of

(200% efficiency)
Vigor Catalyst
Stabilization Paste
Corrupted Boon Compound 1
Defect Reduction Compound 2
Boon Removal Solvent
Choice Gums


To forge a auto-loot flashlight I do this.

I put in a tool which has 200% effectiveness. Most of mine are wooden hammers.
I start with adding 4 glow gums to the forge.
Next I use 4 special gums.
(I normally then apply a fate paste, but these require some higher mats and can be skipped).
Then I use Pure Boon Compound 2 (which is the one with spitter eyes and pulsating orbs).
If I get the AoE buff I use the boon removal solvent 1 to reroll it.
This normally takes 12-15 compounds for a single tool. (fate paste once the buff runs off)
Once I get level 3 on both Auto Loot, and level 3 flashlight I use a setting resin(sometimes I don’t get them fully powered up before I run out of stability)

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As soon as I finish restocking my store, I’m goin to run through this thread and see how we did. :slight_smile:


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Give a man a fish and feed him for a day…give a man a gif and he just puts it up everywhere. @AmandaPan bring the chains!

Sorry for the off topic. Lots of good info in this thread!

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I’ve got my brand new forgemaster - Ingot, take a bow - up to 8/8 Vit, Pwr and Int. Skill is at 1/5 and I have Forging Epic.

Close enough. He can earn the last two levels while practicing.

Time to gather mats.

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